New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Lesley Sanders- Macrame - February 13th

Friday, 31 December 2021

Tree Planting

 Poringland WI Norfolk is ahead of the game in tree planting.

An old Chinese proverb says that the best time to plant a tree is 30years ago, and the second best time is today.  Over 30 years ago, the year of ‘the great storm’ was a mast year, when every oak tree shed thousands of acorns.  On my walks around Poringland I collected many acorns and gave every WI member one or more to grow.  The resulting saplings were taken to High Ash farm (a local conservation area) and were planted in their hedges and woodland.

Autumn 2020 was again a mast year and once again I collected a bag full of acorns.  During lockdown, we had been keeping members in touch in various ways, and at Christmas everyone received a goody bag.  Along with such items as a greetings card, Centenary pen and mini Christmas cake etc, was another acorn.  All the little saplings were returned at our Annual Meeting in November.  This time, 20 were donated to High Ash farm, where they will form part of a regenerative area, where most of the trees have sprouted naturally.  A further 20, plus a few hazel saplings that the squirrels had planted in my garden, will go to our local tree warden.  These will form part of a native hedge and small woodland area to be planted on our newly designated Community land.

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A batch of little oaks awaiting collection.

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Joan Fountainm, President, and Lesley Sanders, Secretary handing over some of the little oak trees to Daniel Skinner at High Ash farm.

December Newsletter 2021

 Poringland WI Newsletter December 2021

We wish you all

a very Happy Christmas

and a Healthy New Year.

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Our November Walk.

5 members and 2 husbands enjoyed a pleasant stroll around Whitlingham Broad on 16 November when the weather was again kind to us.  We were joined for lunch at the White Horse in Trowse by Hilary, whose birthday it was, and Pam Cooper, for whom it was her first outing since she came down with Covid.  We were pleased to see her, but sorry that she was still not fully fit.  We hope you are feeling better this month, Pam.


Local events:

Our next morning walk and lunch will be Tuesday 16 January.  Details in the January Newsletter.

Next Singalong session at Pam Lack’s is postponed to January

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 26th January 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich road opposite the Barracks!  

If you are interested in any of our other regular events – Gym, Darts, 10 Pin Bowling, singing etc, please ask a committee member for more information.  We will hopefully be arranging Scrabble sessions in the new year.



Pottery painting morning at the Octagon Barn.  9 members enjoyed this session, producing an interesting variety of pots! 

At the Annual Meeting in November, there were rather a lot of members absent for one reason or another.  As 3 members of the committee were retiring that leaves only 5 members to run the WI.  Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to continue helping with various duties, we could not run meetings so efficiently without you.  We have now co-opted Rosemary Wain onto the committee and she will take over as visitor and speaker hostess as required.  The other duties are as follows:  President Joan Fountain, Treasurer Hilary Lark, with help from Gail and Zelia if required.  Secretary is again Lesley, with the help of Maureen as Minute Secretary and Zelia as Programme Secretary.  Gail agreed to continue as points Secretary and Zelia to run the raffle.

There are still a few other duties that we would like help with, please speak to a committee member if you feel you could take on any of these:

Publicity Officer, this involves writing a short monthly report of the meeting for the Contact Magazine and for the 5Plus quarterly mag.  

Outings Secretary to arrange one or two visits during the year.

Posters.  To put a small notice on the board by the bus stop and in the Community Centre each month advertising the monthly meeting.  I could provide the poster if you are unable to do the printing


January Meeting, the speaker will be Sue Sursham on her visit to Vuanatu.  Tea hostesses Linda Daniels and Pam Cooper.

Competition – make something relating to Capricorn – the Goat.  It could be knitted/crocheted/sewn/painted etc or a photograph taken by you.


Birthdays for December:  Happy Birthday to 

Gail, Pam Lack, Ann Webster, and new member Marietta 


Community Cinema show:

Friday 10 December “Last Bus” with Timothy Spall.

£5 inc tea/coffee, doors open 6.45pm, please wear a mask until seated.

Federation Events all in WI House on All Saints Green unless otherwise stated.

Lots to choose from!

Fun Foliage and Flowers Friday 19 November New Buckenham Village Hall was enjoyed by 4 of our members. Who each made a holly wreath under the guidance of Simon Wright of Beales Roses.  After lunch, they sat back for a Flower demonstration using only supermarket bought flowers.  My bunches of flowers never looked like that!

Nosh and Natters –  New year menus are on the board.  Book early as we are only allowing reduced numbers at the moment

Jigsaw Races – Fri 18 Feb and Mon 7 March lunch served at 12.15. £8 pp

Water  Colour Painting workshop – 10 March £25.

Mah Jong Taster Day Tues 15 March 10.30 -3pm.  Bring your own lunch £12

Bridge Day with lunch Wed 16 March 10.30 -3pm £15

Auditions Day Tues 29 March.  10- 3.30pm.  Chance to see 5 new speakers.  £7.50 or £13 including lunch.

Federation Annual Meeting 21 March at the Theatre Royal , guest speaker Lucy Stevens on the life and music of Kathleen Ferrier.  We need a delegate who will have a free ticket, but is required to report on the meeting.  Visitor tickets £11.  Lunch available.  See Hilary if you are interested in attending.

Osteoporosis screening – new date 7 April 2022.

Calico Garden Workshop 12April and 31 May.  £25.  Everything provided.


Thank you to everyone who grew a little Oak tree.  Joan and I took half of them down to High Ash Farm last week and Chris Skinner has already planted most of them.  He did take one into the Radio Norfolk Studio to show Matthew Gudgen on Sunday morning and we got a mention and a thank you.  The other half plus a few Hazels that the Squirrels planted will go to our tree warden for planting on the new Community Land which is across the Ridings from the Community Centre.

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Daniel Skinner taking possession of the trees.

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This is one of the little trees happily settled into its new home.  We would like to keep an eye on them – so here is the location - walk down the hill towards Caistor village from the car park on the corner at the end of Chandler road.  The trees are planted at the far end of the area where lots of new young trees are growing. See the green man!

The Bolder Generation.

Granny is up to her geria-tricks

Down at the disco she swings with the chicks

She won’t have a dotage but acting the goatage

And does cooky things just for kicks.

Hanging around with unsuitable mates,

One of the girl-gang of old reprobates;

Who meet at the Crown for a night on the town

While dolled up and hoping for dates.

Why can’t she sew dainty lavender bags,

Knit fluffy jumpers and give up the fags

Attempt to be couth, reminisce of her youth,

And not tell embarassing gags?

Poem by a past member Pru Sheldon.

I have several booklets of her poems if anyone would like to read them.

Christmas Quiz

1 Who sang ‘All I want for Christmas is a Beatle’?

2 According to the carol. Who followed Good King Wenceslas?

3 How many reindeers did Santa have?

Can you name them?

4 In Love Actually who sang ‘Christmas is all around’?

5 Which film originally featured the song ‘White Christmas?

6 Who was the lead actor in Wonderful Life?

7  Can you name all 7 of Snow White’s dwarves?

8. Who sang ‘Happy Christmas, War is over’?

9 In the song who did I see Kissing Santa Claus?

10 According to the Carol what must Christian Children be?

11 What gift was given on the 7th day of Christmas?

12 And at the end of the 12 days how many gifts were given in total?