New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

February Newsletter.

 Poringland WI Newsletter February 2025

We were very unlucky with the weather for our January walkespecially unlucky as every other day that week was beautiful.  Not only did it rain, there was quite a wind blowing.  However undeterred 7 brave souls managed an hour of walking around Brooke and the Mere, stopping to admire the snowdrops in the garden of the local Galanthophile who has hundreds of varieties.  We met up ini St Stephens with the church warden and organist who were able to tell us something of the history of the church, which has one of the complete round towers famously to be foundmostly around our County.  They were preparing to photograph tombstones and make a folder of the inscriptions for future family researchers, before they are eroded away by time.

Finally we marched back to the Rural Kitchen for a filling lunch, joined by 6 more members.

Now what are we up to this month?

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco Bowthorpe.  10am on Fridays 14 & 28 February.

Scrabble day Thursday 27 February at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

The next Tea/coffee pm at the Nook Tuesday 18 February and 4 March

Next Walk: I’m fed up fighting the mud, so giving February a miss!  See you in March.

Craft Afternoon Monday 10 March @ 2.30pm (every Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to come along to craft and chat, please contact Joan on 493036.  

Gym Sessions. At the Gym Group (next to Asda on Hall road).  Currently we have an hour longsession each Wednesday morning from about 9am.  

If you’re new and fancy any of these, talk to Lesley or the named member.

Other local events you may like to attend:

Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre


Cert 15/Drama/Crime/Mystery

Stars Ian McKellen, Mark Strong Gemma Arterton, Lesley Manville

Paddington in Peru FRIDAY 14th March 

Cert PG Family Comedy   

Stars Hugh Bonneville Ben Whishaw

Tickets £5 on the door (includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Art Exhibition & Sale at the Catholic Church Upgate Sat 28 Feb & Sun 1 March 10.30 – 5pm &4pm.Entrance £1 and refreshments are available.

Poringland Wanderers are holding a Bingo Night in the old Village Hall on Saturday 5 April 7 – 11pm.   £10 for main book plus extra options.  Bring own refreshments.

Thurton Ashby WI open evening Thursday 3 April 7.30pm £3 entry.  Demo by Nanna Lay on Danish Pastry.

The Virtual WI Quiz night on line 3rd March 7 – 9 pm.  I can send email to anyone interested.

Brass Band Concert, St Peter’s Church Brooke Saturday 7 June – more details to follow.

Loddon Society are holding their Annual Show on 6 September.  I have Schedule available.


Federation Events

International Women’s day coffee, chat and craft on 6 March.

You are also asked to make an orange flower for a display at FAM.

Bridge Day Wednesday 19 March 10am for a 10.30 start – 3.30pm.

£22 includes lunch of Jacket potato with choice of fillings followed by Ginger sponge or fruit salad 

QuIz with tea, scones and cake 1.30pm Friday 11 April NCC Manor Park Horsford NR10 3AQ.  Teams of up to 6 - members only £10pp.

Gliding Days.  Tibenham Airfield Friday 16 May and 29 August with fall back dates of 23 May or 12 September as flight is weather dependent.  Winch launch £70 or Aero tow £144.

Cley Marshes Guided Walk Tuesday 10 June 10.30 – 1pm.  £6 NWT members £8 Non members.

Summer Garden Party at Wiveton Hall NR25 7TE.  Tuesday 17 June. 2-6pm £40. Includes afternoon tea and tour of the gardens with Desmond, famed for the programme ‘Normal for Norfolk’ that featured the hall.  Glass of wine £3 extra.

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS of all Events.  Application forms available from Lesley or in your magazine.

Screening of the National AGM will be held in the Theatre Royal on Wed 4 June.  Observer tickets to attend are £8.  Or alternatively watch in the comfort of your own home £5 (price set by National).  More details to follow.


OAK TREES – has anyone still got any little trees, if so, please let Lesley have them ASAP as we are getting towards the end of the planting season.

Life’s Loveliness

Full many a lovely flower has bloomed

Far from the haunts of men

And spent its perfume on the air

In some secluded glen.

How oft a kindly thought unsaid,

Or good deed left undone –

Lost in the fray of a busy day –

Might have cheered someone.

Waste not the loveliness of life

But share it while you may

Let not the things of less import

Steal Happiness away.

                  P McGavack

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Poringland WI Newsletter January 2025


Poringland WI Newsletter January 2025

Happy days of jumbling September 2012

Sadly no more but what else do we have to offer?


10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco.  10am on Fridays 10 & 24 January.

Scrabble day Thursday 16th January at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

The next Tea/coffee pm at the Nook Tuesday 7 & 21 January

Next Walk: Tuesday 28 January, meet 11am at Spurgeon’s farm shop High Green Brooke.  Wrap up warm and be prepared to be mud splattered.  Lunch at the café at 1pm.  Let me know if wish to join us.

Craft Afternoon Monday 13 January @ 2.30pm (every Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to come along to craft and chat, please contact Joan 493036. 

Gym Sessions.  At the ‘Gym Group’ (next to Asda on Hall road).  Currently we have an hour long session each Wednesday morning from about 9am. 

If you’re new and fancy any of these, talk to Lesley or the named member and we will arrange for someone to accompany you or give you a lift.

Happy Birthdays for January to

Kirsty Long and Mary Stancer


Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre



Stars, June Squibb, Fred Hechinger, Richard Roundtree


Cert 15/Drama/Crime/Mystery

Stars Ian McKellen, Mark Strong Gemma Arterton, Lesley Manville

Tickets £5 on the door (includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH in Our House, 45 All Saints Green. on first Friday, enjoy a 2course lunch for £13.50.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  Jan 3rd menu is Cottage Pie followed by Key Lime Pie & Cream.

ZOOM PANTO –SLEEping Beauty Wednesday 15 January 7.30pm

Beginners patchwork course;   Evelyn Suffield (ES) House Saturday 8 & 22 February and Saturday 8 & 22 March 10 – 3.00pm with coffee and welcome at 9.30.  £100 for the whole course.  Tutor Betty Stacey.

Tapas and Fizz Evening Friday 21 February  Our (ES) house on All Saints Green.  6 – 9pm.  A variety of tapas including vegetarian option, and a glass of Cava or soft drink.  £16.

Guided tour of Kew Gardens and Orchid Festival  By coach Wednesday 25th Feb £60.

International Women’s day coffee, chat and craft on 6 March.

You are also asked to make an orange flower for a display at FAM.

Federation Annual Meeting Thursday 13 March,

Theatre Royal 10.45am – 3.45pm.  Delegate ticket free, visitors £13.

Speaker will be Arit Anderson garden designer, writer and presenter on BBCs Gardeners’ World.

Lunch or lunch boxes and refreshments available.  Stalls and exhibitions to explore.

Bridge Day Wednesday 19 March  10am for a 10.30 start – 3.30pm.

£22 includes lunch of Jacket potato with choice of fillings followed by Ginger sponge or fruit salad

AND look what you will be missing if you don’t rejoin in April!

QuIz with tea, scones and cake 1.30pm Friday 11 April NCC Manor Park Horsford NR10 3AQ.  Teams of up to 6 - members only £10pp.

Gliding Days.  Tibenham Airfield Friday 16 May  and 29 August with fall back dates of 23 May or 12 September as weather dependent.  Winch launch £70 or Aero tow £144.


And there’s more over page >

Summer Garden Party at Wiveton Hall NR25 7TE.  Tuesday 17 June        2-6pm £40. Includes afternoon tea and tour of the gardens with Desmond, famed for the programme ‘Normal for Norfolk’ that featured the hall.  Glass of wine £3 extra.

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS of all Events.  Application forms available from Lesley or in your magazine.




held on Thursday 12 December 2024

The meeting opened with a rendition, by all of, ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’

Zelia Dickinson, President, then welcomed everyone including visitor Amanda  to the meeting

Apologies for absence were received from Gillian Braiden, Maureen Scott, Pam Cooper, Marietta Menzies, Mary, Yvonne,

News of Members, Mary Stancer is now receiving palliative car.  Gillian has a bad cold.

Birthday posies were presented to Ann Webster and Gail Mays, and taken on behalf of Marietta Menzies 

Minutes of Oct meeting having been printed in last month’s Newsletter were taken as read and signed.
There were no Matters Arising.


Nfk Mag. As there was a shortage this month, most members had received theirs by email. Federation What’s on are listed in Newsletter and Secretary has the forms.

January Meeting
Unfortunately, due to illness there is a change of Speaker, we shall now hear Stephen Amer on Sea Shanties.  Judith Finn volunteered to thank him.

Competition your favourite LP or CD cover and Tea hostesses are Jeanette & Pat



Lesley reminded members that we still need a new Secretary and outlined the main duties.  Members were informed of the Office Christmas closure dates.


Juyna Lewis then gave her talk ‘Merry Christmas to All’ telling us of Christmas traditions from around the world and illustrated with pictures of her many nativity scenes. She was thanked by Hilary Lark after which members enjoyed the homemade refreshments provided by the retiring Officers, Hilary, Joan and Lesley.  Members purchased their £1 parcels from the large selection.

The competition for best homemade Christmas card was won by Hilary and the meeting closed at 4.10pm.

Resolution Shortlist for 2025: to be debated/voted for in January.

1.   Let’s talk about Incontinence.
It is estimated 20 million people in the UK suffer with either bladder or bowel problems.  Calling on those in charge of health care to examine those areas of health and well being affected by incontinence issues and to drive improved services.  We are also asked to raise public awareness, remove stigma to help reduce the significant impact on people’s lives,


2.   Bystanders can be life savers.
over 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests each year in UK.  Women have a lower chance of survival than men.  Early action doubles the chances of survival.  We are asked to work to increase public confidence and training in the delivery of CPR and improve access to defibrillators in our communities to give every person the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.


3.   Join the repair revolution
Promoting clothing reuse and repair.  What we used to call make do and mend!  The huge excess in clothing production has a devastating consequence for the environment.  The Government is called upon to strengthen the law and investment to support a circular economy of clothing and fabrics in the UK, where repair and reuse is achievable, accessible and affordable to all.

4.   Eliminate landfill of medication packaging.
Not routinely recyclable through local authority collections.  Raise awareness and encourage additional collection points where empty packaging can be easily returned or recycling to reduce environmental impact.  Call upon manufacturing companies to acknowledge their moral responsibility to reduce their environmental impact by exploring simpler packaging alternatives that are easier to recycle or have less impact on the environment.


As usual, I donated to the Nook instead of buying a lot of Christmas cards.  But I hope Christmas lived up to expectations and I wish you all a Happy New Year.


‘What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year’.

Quote from Vern Mclellan, author of ‘Wise words and quotes’.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

December 2024

 Poringland WI Newsletter December 2024

Happy Christmas Everyone


Local Events you are welcome to join in:

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco.  

Last session of the year Friday 13th December 10am.  Then 10th January.

Next Walk: will be in January or February depending on weather

The next Tea/coffee pm to be agreed: at the Octagon Barn or do we join in with the Nook afternoons next year instead?

Scrabble day Thursday 16th January at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon Monday 13 January @ 2.30pm (every Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to come along to craft and chat, please contact Joan 493036.  

Gym Sessions. At the Gym Group (next to Asda on Hall road).  Currently wehave an hour long session each Wednesday morning from about 9am.  

If you’re new and fancy any of these, talk to Lesley or the named member and we will arrange for someone to accompany you or give you a lift.

Happy Birthdays for December to

Ann Webster, Gail Mays and Marietta Menzies


Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre


Comedy/Action/Romance Stars Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling



Stars, June Squibb, Fred HechingerRichard Roundtree 

Tickets £5 on the door (includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm


Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH in Our House, 45 All Saints Green. on first Fridayenjoy a 2course lunch for £13.50.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  Jan 3rd menu is Cottage Pie followed by Key Lime Pie & Cream.

Back by popular demand our very own


Oh yes it is!   Boo… hissss…..

Sleeping Beauty

Wednesday 15 January 7.30pm

Beginners patchwork course;

Evelyn Suffield (ES) House Saturday 8 & 22 February and Saturday 8 & 22 March 10 – 3.00pm with coffee and welcome at 9.30.   

£100 for the whole course.  Tutor Betty Stacey.

Tapas and Fizz Evening Friday 21 February

Our (ES) house on All Saints Green.  6 – 9pm.

A variety of tapas including vegetarian option, and a glass of Cava or soft drink.  £16.

Guided tour of Kew Gardens and Orchid Festival

By coach 

Wednesday 25th Feb £60.

International Women’s day coffee, chat and craft on 6 March.

You are also asked to make an orange flower for a display at FAM.


Federation Annual Meeting Thursday 13 March,

Theatre Royal 10.45am – 3.45pm.  Delegate ticket free, visitors £13.

Speaker will be Arit Anderson garden designer, writer and presenter on BBCs Gardeners’ World.

Lunch or lunch boxes and refreshments available.  Stalls and exhibitions to explore.

Bridge Day Wednesday 19 March 

10am for a 10.30 start – 3.30pm.

£22 includes lunch of Jacket potato with choice of fillings followed by Ginger sponge or fruit salad 


Summer Garden Party at Wiveton Hall NR25 7TE.

Tuesday 17 June 2-6pm £40.

Includes afternoon tea and tour of the gardens with Desmond, famed for the programme ‘Normal for Norfolk’ that featured the hall.  Glass of wine £3 extra.

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS of all Events.  Application forms available from Lesley or in your magazine.



Resolution Shortlist for 2025: to be debated/voted for in January.

1. Let’s talk about Incontinence.
It is estimated to be a problem for 20 million people, and more is needed in the care of these sufferers.


2. Bystanders can be life savers.
over 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests each year in UK.  Women have a lower chance of survival than men.  Early action doubles the chances of survival.  We are asked to work to increase public confidence and training in the delivery of CPR and improve access to defibrillators.


3. Join the repair revolution
Promoting clothing reuse and repair.  What we used to call make do and mend!
4. Eliminate landfill of medication packaging.
Not routinely recyclable through local authority collections.  Raise awareness and encourage additional collection points where empty packaging can be easily returned or recycling to reduce environmental impact, and by exploring simpler packaging alternatives that are easier to recycle.

Details in the January Newsletter ready for voting.