New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 9 December 2010


Due to new deadlines for entries for the magazine, I am unable to give you a report on our Christmas meeting. Weather permitting I am sure we will enjoy it. I will tell you a little of that meeting in the January issue.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

The English Whisky Co.

Members of Poringland WI, husbands and friends enjoyed a visit to the St George's Distillery.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Poringland Women's Institute Meeting

On 10 November we held our Annual Meeting and turned our attention once again to electing a Committee and President to run our Institute for the coming year. Happily, all but one of our existing Committee members agreed to continue for a further year, and the one member who was to retire, after giving 13 years of dedicated work to our institute, had well earned her retirement and was presented by a grateful membership with a pink rose tree, appropriately named 'Retirement'.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Moving the whole house - related by Christine Adams

Poringland Women's Institute

We anticipated hearing of a most unusual housing-moving experience, related by Christine Adams, at our October 13th meeting - moving the whole house. Housing moving is traumatic enough, what a brave and enterprising task to move everything, and one which most of us would find too daunting to contemplate. We were filled with admiration.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Demonstration of canapes

September W. I. Meeting
Frances Mobbs, our speaker on 8 September was a most welcomed and entertaining demonstrator, very involved with Norfolk County Federation functions and now writes in the EDP as a Saturday correspondent. We were treated to the most delicious hot and cold canapes and mouth-watering desserts. We learnt some helpful tips and were impressed by her beautiful presentation of dishes - savoury and sweet. Her recipes were eagerly noted, our taste buds quite inspired.

Thursday, 12 August 2010


Our Garden Party in Mary Stancer's beautiful garden proved to be a lovely afternoon. The weather was kind to us and there was an abundance of delicious cakes for everyone to taste in convivial company. There were about 38 members and friends there. Thank you Mary and your husband for being such good hosts.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8 September at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when Frances Mobbs will be demonstrating hot and cold canapes for all us to try - hopefully we will be able to pick up some tips (maybe for our Christmas buffet) - should be good. Visitors are always welcome. Any queries, contact Pam Cooper on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders on 01508 492155.

Shirley Shackshaft

Thursday, 15 July 2010

A Love of Orchids

Pictures of the Bee Orchid taken by M Cooper at Seaham.

Pam told the meeting that, unfortunately, due to family illness, Lynn Barrow, could not give her talk, but Pam was delighted to say that Mrs Robin McDonald of Norfolk Orchid Society had kindly agreed to step in and talk about orchids

Friday, 11 June 2010

Susan Lee she has dedicated her life to a charity in Kolkata (formerly called Calcutta).

Our 90th Celebration lunch at Caistor Country Club really lived up to expectations - the room, the food, the company, the flowers and the weather all proved perfect and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

We had a wonderful speaker this week in Susan Lee, a retired midwife at the N & N. For the past 7 years, she has dedicated her life to a charity in Kolkata (formerly called Calcutta).

Thursday, 13 May 2010


Our Birthday Meeting on 12th May was a very special event - our 90th Anniversary - and to celebrate, a Birthday Lunch is to be held on 19th May at Caistor Hall to mark this important occasion.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The History of Hats and Hat Making

The above hat looking very elegant on Shirley our model for the evening.

PORINGLAND W.I. Meeting 14 April
At our meeting on 14th April, our guest was Julie Hurst, who operates a studio at Wymondham - "Raffique", where she makes bespoke raffia hats and also baskets.

Friday, 26 March 2010


The meeting started at 10.45 with every one singing Jerusalem followed by the Chairman's Welcome.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The 2010 Programme page has been updated

A more complete list of programme events for 2010 can now be found here.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Nature Photography Brian MacFarlane

Nature Photography was presented to us by Brian MacFarlane at our meeting on 10 March, when we saw many examples of beautiful bird shots. We were alternatively impressed by his sharp, awesome photographs of birds of prey - Eagles, Kestrels, Red Kites - contrasting with familiar local waterfowl - Bitterns, Reed Warbler and Great Crested Grebe. Serene vistas of autumn and winter scenes and spectacular shots of Ospreys, Avocets and Starlings roosting, made an escape from our grey, cold weather and proved a most enjoyable evening.

At our meeting on 14 April, Julie Hurst will entertain us by speaking on "The history of Hats and Hat-making". New members will be welcome to join us and can contact our President, Pam Cooper, on 01508 491674 for more information.

Meraney Bambra

Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Specs factory WI event

On Thursday 25th Feb many WI members enjoyed a talk on eye health and sight conditions and then witnessed the production of glasses from the frame choices through to lens production.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Jumble Sale

Each year we hold several fund raising events.

The first event this year was a jumble sale held on Saturday 13th February

"caption" picture by Pam Cooper

If you missed this one then make a note of the next one to be held on October 14th @ 2pm in the Poringland Community Centre.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Poringland Community Centre home of the WI

where they meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 7.30pm.

Tree Planting by WI members on 30th November 2008 in the grounds of the Poringland Community Centre

Photo taken 30th March 2010 of tree and bulbs

Saturday, 2 January 2010

WI Trip to Little Bentley Hall in June 2007

After a very long journey due to traffic holds up for miles along the lanes leading to the hall, every one had a very enjoyable day with the weather being perfect for the occasion.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Poringland Village Sign Unveiled October 1971

Poringland Village sign back in place after refurbishment in Wayland Prison by the Prisoners

The sign was purchased by Poringland Womens Institute to commemorate their Golden Jubilee in 1970. It was made for them by Hubbard Brothers (Decorative Ironwork) Ltd of Oak Street, Norwich, from a design by their then President and Secretary, Mrs P Wilcox and Mrs M Scott. The cost was £68 and the money was raised by various events held by the W.I.