New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Saturday, 31 December 2011


Christmas has passed all too soon. Hope you all kept warm and healthy.
Our December meeting was very enjoyable and our Lucky Dip Parcels proved very popular. We made over £50 profit and this will be sent to a local Charity, yet to be decided.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8 February at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when one of our members, Beryl Keen, will demonstrate Painting with Materials ie Patchwork. I look forward to watching this.
Visitors are always welcome and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155 .
Our next Jumble Sale is on Saturday 25 February at 2.00pm. This will be in the Communty Centre. As usual there will be books, tombola, bric-a-brac. clothing, household goods, raffle and tea/coffee and homemade cakes. Everyone very welcome - I am sure there will be many bargains there.
Shirley Shackshaft

Monday, 12 December 2011

Caistor Church Tree Festival

Caistor Church tree festival was well worth a visit, and our tree above looked splendid thanks to everyone who donated baubles.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


Our October meeting proved to be a great success when Margaret Furness demonstrated the art of truffle and fudge making. Recipe sheets were handed out and so I am sure some our families will be enjoying these over the Christmas period.
Our December meeting is always a highlight of the year. Our entertainment this year will be provided by The Trillers, a lovely group of singers. We have invited some of our friends from neighbouring Institutes as well. We always manage to put on a lovely buffet and so we have all the ingredients for a very enjoyable evening. This will be on Wednesday 14 December at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Why not come and join us (alone or with a friend) - you will be made very welcome. Any queries to Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155 .
Finally, on behalf of our members, may I wish all of you that read this, a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Our meeting in September was a social affair with a Beetle Drive. Much laughter and frustration was expressed when the right numbers were not forthcoming. It always amazes me how different the interpretations of the beetles being drawn are!
Our meeting in November is our Annual Meeting and takes place on Wednesday 9 November at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. There is also going to be an exhibition of Arts and Crafts which members have made in the last 3 years. I am constantly surprised how clever some of us are. Why not pay us a visit and you may get an idea for a future hobby for yourself.
Visitors are always welcome to our meetings and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Group Meeting held at Broome

The Waveney Valley Group meeting held on 29th September at Broome Village Hall.
The talk was about Victorian Country life, mainly about how the women
had to cope when husbands died, were jailed or transported, with
illegitimacy, with the lack of mod cons, lack of money etc.
Despite the credit crunch etc, we were all glad not to have been born
150 years earlier.

The competition was to dress a member in Victorian costume.
The winning entry from Thurlton was dressed in her nightie, and night
cap complete with candle.
This is our volunteer Pam in all her finery, She was voted third.
I have not shown the best bit, which was her saucy drawers, provided
by Joan Fountain.
These caused much delight in the hall when displayed by Pam!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Visit to Masonic Hall, home of Freemasonry.

Our visit to the above building on 8th September was very interesting.

After coffee and a short talk we were given a tour of the building, I think we were all surprised how large these buildings are, the architecture and design of the rooms, especially the Temples is lovely. A interesting fact was an architect was appointed in 1904/5 to design suitable meeting rooms , he was Mr Albert Havers (Great Grandfather of the Actor Nigel Havers) from London.
Walking up St Giles you would find it hard to realise what lovely gardens are attached to the sides or back of each building.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 12 October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when we will watch Margaret Furness demonstrating the art of chocolate and fudge making with sampling afterwards of these delightful goodies. I am sure we will get some good ideas for Christmas. Not good for our figures but I am sure they will taste delicious!
Jumble Sale
As I mentioned last month our Jumble Sale is on Saturday 15 October at 2.00pm in the Community Centre. There will be books, tombola, bric-a-brac, clothing, household goods, raffle, and a cake stall. We will also be selling tea/coffee and homemade cakes in the cafe area. Everyone is very welcome - I am sure there will be many bargains to be snapped up.
Visitors are always welcome to our meetings and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155 .
Shirley Shackshaft