Our October meeting proved to be a great success when Margaret Furness demonstrated the art of truffle and fudge making. Recipe sheets were handed out and so I am sure some our families will be enjoying these over the Christmas period.
Our December meeting is always a highlight of the year. Our entertainment this year will be provided by The Trillers, a lovely group of singers. We have invited some of our friends from neighbouring Institutes as well. We always manage to put on a lovely buffet and so we have all the ingredients for a very enjoyable evening. This will be on Wednesday 14 December at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Why not come and join us (alone or with a friend) - you will be made very welcome. Any queries to Pam Cooper, President on or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on .
Finally, on behalf of our members, may I wish all of you that read this, a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.