New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Saturday, 12 May 2012


Delia Perry one of our members gave us a fascinating talk about her Housekeeping in a War Zone. 
Delia served for 14 years and reached the rank of Warrant Officer Class 2 - Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant.
She had just started her tour of duty in Germany, when she was told to report back to England and then sent to Iraq where she was the only women in the camp.
Iraq invaded Iran over ownership of a waterway on the border of these two countries and borrowed monies from Kuwait. As a result of poor returns on the price of oil, they could not repay Kuwait so they found an excuse to declare war. 
By 1990 Iraq was in real financial trouble and as an excuse for non-payment they accused Kuwait of overproducing their own oil and stealing their oil so declared war on Kuwait.
The Saudis did not see this war coming, they wanted help but did not want Westerners "camping out" in a strictly Muslim country so called upon troops from the world to assist, so spearheaded by the USA each country gave support to Kuwaits cause and Operation Desert Storm commenced. 
Delia's story's about her personal time under canvas shared with many troops was very comical, she had also brought along some items to demonstrate toilet facilities, eating equipment etc. At the end of the talk Delia's medals were passed to all members to look at.  

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th July at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when Jane Smith gives her talk on Royal Wedding.
Visitors are always welcome and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on01508491674  or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155             .

Thursday, 3 May 2012


We learned a lot when Margaret Flatman from Sutton Pottery, near Stalham came in April.  Her husband is the Potter. He started at school, then did a Foundation Course and finally a Degree in Stoke. She said the pots consist of clay, water and the wheel - the clay is radio-active volcanic rock and comes from St Austell, Cornwall. Its been taken out of the earth since the 18th Century and the reserves will last another 100 years. The Eden Project has been formed from the pits that clay has been extracted from over the years.  There are several other types of clay, white porcelain - very fragile - from China and  stoneware (which her husband uses) and earthenware - known as terracotta and a couple of others.
The first stage is kneading tjhe clay to make it malleable and remove the air bubbles  before putting it on a pottery wheel - if not it would explode!  She bought several samples of a small vase at various stages of firing and glazing through to the finished article.
Margaret also bought along several items for sale and said the Pottery was open on weekdays if anyone wished to make a visit.  He also gives lessons. 
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 13 June at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when Isabel Brett will be telling us the history of the Carnival Samba - Rio Style.  With luck she will teach us some dance moves as well.
Visitors are always welcome and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.
Shirley Shackshaft

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Mr Brian McKenzie certainly lifted our spirits with his marvellous still slides which he projected onto a large screen.  Each subject went into a seamless mode with either commentary, funny captions or appropriate music (this is not an easy job).
His programme first started with dramatic close-ups of birds of prey in flight.  This was followed by barn owls taken at South Walsham Fen, then stags rutting at Richmond Park in Autumn.  He also featured ones called Animal Magic, Sandringham Horse Trials,  bird life at Snettisham (look for very high tides coming into shore for best views). 
He finished his programme with shots of the Lake District with the music of Claude de Bebussy's "Clair de lune" (one of my favourites) in the background - magical.  Altogether very enjoyable and our admiration for his photographic skills was expressed by members at the end.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 9 May at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  This will be our Birthday, so after the Resolutions have been discussed, there will be a buffet and social with games.
Visitors are always welcome and if there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.
Shirley Shackshaft