New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Tribes of Southern Ethiopia

Pat Alker came and gave a very interesting and enlightening talk with slides on The Tribes of Southern Ethiopia.  She came wearing an Ethiopian style long white cotton dress.  These are made by the men of the Tribes, as are all the colourful woven items, samples of which she brought along.  Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world.  80% of the population are subsistence farmers existing without electricity, clean water or sanitation.  The average life expectancy is 53 years.

Since her first visit in 2006, when they raised money to provide a water tap, they have been raising money for the children, mainly to buy food for them, and a school for HIV/Aids orphans and abused children situated in the Dukem, which is a very small village near Addis Ababa. These are for 4-14 year olds, who live with elderly relatives or friends.  In 2012 a toilet was provided and in 2012 a Library.

The Tribes have market days every week to sell and buy their wares.

The men can have 4 wives and we saw pictures of the women of the Mursi Tribe,  who wear very large lip plates made of heavy clay.

Pat told us of men of the Hamer Tribe who jump bulls as an initiation into manhood.  Also of the Konso Tribe and their 20th King in an unbroken lineage going back 400 years.  Other tribes called the Dorze,  Oromo and the Abora, all have different interesting customs going back hundreds of years.

Fundraising for these children is an ongoing project for her husband Philip and herself.

Our next meeting  is on Wednesday 12 June at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when Mrs Rachel Casey and Dr Roger Wood will come and talk about Chiropractic care - hopefully we will get some tips on keeping our bones supple!

Visitors are always welcome and if there any queries, please contact Veronica Brett, President on 01508 493029 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155
Shirley Shackshaft/Gail Mays