New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Birthday buffet/Social evening
We had a lovely meeting celebrating our Birthday.  We had small round tables instead of the usual line of chairs.  This arrangement made for plenty of chatting.  We went through the National Resolution for this year's Annual Conference  at Cardiff - only one this year which seemed a shame.
We then had a beautiful buffet laid on by the Committee together with fruit juice.
We followed this by what seemed a very complicated Quiz set by Veronica, our President.  She called it a Bingo Quiz.  A lot of us got a bit bogged down with the questions especially at first and one member called it ""!!  Enjoyable nevertheless.
We had a very enjoyable Birthday Lunch at the King's Head, Brooke, although a little low on members .
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 10 July at 7.30pm in the Community Centre when Mrs Pauline King will give us a talk on a Volunteers day in a Charity Shop - I am sure she will have some very interesting things to tell us.
Visitors are always welcome and if there any queries, please contact Veronica Brett, President on 01508 493029 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155