New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Change of venue to a Quiz or Beetle drive

Wednesday 10th September 2014
Tonight’s meeting unfortunately had to be changed at the last minute as the arranged speaker, Charlotte Philcox had to cancel. But never fear – Lesley to the rescue! We had the choice of a quiz or a beetle drive (which I had never heard of !). A quiz was chosen. The quiz was a geography quiz with a vicious twist. The clues needed lateral thinking. My personal favourite was “a happy dog”. It took a while to figure out that the answer was America (A-meri-curr). The winners were Hilary, Bridget, Gail and myself (honestly, not a fix!), who only got one wrong. A big thanks to Lesley for saving the night and also to  Nina for making a lovely cake for us.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th November 2014, 19-30hrs start as usual. This is our annual meeting where we will vote for our committee for 2015. I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown! The exhibition is Art and Craft and the tea ladies will be Maureen and Bridget. I look forward to seeing you all there

Our Christmas meeting is on Wednesday 10th December at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  Mrs R Duffield - Marie Lloyd-Queen of the Music Halls will be coming to entertaining us. We will have our usual buffet supper. Everything for an enjoyable time.  Do come if you can.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Garden party and Jumble Sale

Wednesday 13th August 2014
The month of August heralded our wonderful garden party, which was held in the garden of Pam Lack. Pam’s garden naturally, looked beautiful and our thanks go out to her and her husband for allowing us to set up camp there at such short notice. The gazebo’s looked great with their bunting and thankfully the rain stayed away! Scones and cakes were available in abundance and were washed down with tea. We had several guests from other WI’s in the area, who bought lots of raffle tickets. Many thanks to everyone who took time to organise and/or provide raffle prizes and cakes.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday October 8th 2014 when Ruth Smith will be talking about A Life with Nanny in the 1940’s. This promises to be a fascinating evening. The exhibition is a toy/book from your childhood. I’m looking forward to seeing the collection.

Our jumble sale will be on Saturday October 11th 2014 at the Community Centre, starting at 1030hrs until 12 noon. Any jumble and tombola items gratefully received. Entry fee as usual will be 20p. Hope to see you all there.  Please deliver any jumble to the hall before 10am or phone one of the numbers below if you have any items you would like collecting

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President, on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Sam Mosedale