held on Wednesday 9 December 2015
In the chair Mrs Pam Cooper, who welcomed members and visitors from Haddiscoe and Broome, Thurlton and Chedgrave/
Apologies for absence were received from Veronica, Maureen Scott and Rogers, Mary Baker and Jeanette Chapman.
There being no news of Members, the Birthday posies were presented.
Minutes of the October meeting were signed having been printed in Newsletter
Matters Arising none
Gazette and Correspondence none
Members were reminded that the 2016 Programme was included in their Newsletter whereany information and correspondence was to be found.
Members were reminded that the 2016 Programme was included in their Newsletter whereany information and correspondence was to be found.
Arrangements for January meeting
Speaker will be Rosie Wilkin on Headdresses and Hairstyles thro history
Speaker will be Rosie Wilkin on Headdresses and Hairstyles thro history
Thanks will be by Nina. The Secretary then explained the new competitions for January this will be items beginning with J
Tea hostesses are Sues Hinsley and France
Tea hostesses are Sues Hinsley and France
There being no further business, Pam then introduced Jerry Morris who proceeded to entertain us with Irish Seasonal Songs and anecdotes.
He was thanked by Sam Mosedale,
He was thanked by Sam Mosedale,
Everyone was then invited to purchase the £1 parcels in aid of charity and enjoy the ample refreshments brought by members. The competition for a decorated bauble was won by Sue France, second Sue Cranmer.
After this the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
After this the meeting closed at 9.30pm.