New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Meeting held 9th December 2015.


held on Wednesday 9 December 2015

In the chair Mrs Pam Cooper, who welcomed members and visitors from Haddiscoe and Broome, Thurlton and Chedgrave/
Apologies for absence were received from Veronica, Maureen Scott and Rogers, Mary Baker and Jeanette Chapman.
There being no news of Members, the Birthday posies were presented.
Minutes of the October meeting were signed having been printed in Newsletter
Matters Arising none
Gazette and Correspondence none
Members were reminded that the 2016 Programme was included in their Newsletter whereany information and correspondence was to be found.
Arrangements for January meeting
Speaker will be Rosie Wilkin on Headdresses and Hairstyles thro history
Thanks will be by Nina.  The Secretary then explained the new competitions for January this will be items beginning with J
Tea hos
tesses are Sues Hinsley and France
There being no further business, Pam then introduced Jerry Morris who proceeded to entertain us with Irish Seasonal Songs and anecdotes.
He was thanked by Sam Mosedale, 
Everyone was then invited to purchase the £1 parcels in aid of charity and enjoy the ample refreshments brought by members.  The competition for a decorated bauble was won by Sue France, second Sue Cranmer.
After this the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

2016 Subscription Rates.

2016 subscription rates announced

  • The NFWI Board of Trustees has set the membership subscription for 2016 at £37.50
  • £18 of the subscription is kept by your WI, £8.40 will go to your federation and £11.10 will go to the NFWI
  • Subscriptions are due in January 2016. The WI subscription year runs from January to December
  • New members joining the WI for the first time, i.e. who have not previously been a member of any WI in the past 10 years, will pay a pro-rata subscription depending on the quarter in which they join The rate per quarter is shown in the following table
  • WI members can belong to more than one WI, by paying the full membership fee to the first WI, and a further £18 to any additional WIs at any time of the year. There is no pro-rata rate for dual membership
  • Each WI holds a minimum of eleven meetings each year and all members can contribute ideas to the annual programme of speakers, activities and events
  • WI Members will receive eight copies per year of the WI membership magazine, WI Life and be able to access resources and information on the website and the WI Moodle. WIs are also kept up to date with news by regular mailings from the NFWI
  • Federations also keep members informed about the wide variety of activities they offer to members regionally
We hope that you will enjoy your membership of the WI and all that it offers
This information can also be download as a PDF document here.
- See more at:

Saturday, 5 December 2015

AGM November 2015.

Poringland WI

November was our annual meeting, when we checked our finances with the Treasurer, and the Committee Report reviewed the events of the year.  As this year was the WI Centenary year, there was a lot to report as well as our meetings and outings.  The highlights must include the evening receptions at Gressenhall, the Royal Garden party and the National Annual meeting which was attended by the Queen, who is a member of Sandringham WI.  This was screened live in the Community Centre thanks to John Henson, and we invited over 100 members from other WIs to join us and enjoy a picnic.  Fortunately the weather was fine on the day.
This year we sadly lost one dear friend, Margaret Hems, but have been joined by 4new members, however we are always happy to see more.  2 members retired from the Committee, but we were pleased that Sue France agreed to be co-opted on, and Pam Cooper was re-elected for another term of office as President.
After refreshments, Nina gave a report on her recent stay at Denman, the WI College in Oxfordshire, where she studied costume of the 40s and 50s.  The meeting finished with a fun quiz which was won by Maureen Scott and Veronica Brett.
Our next meeting will be on 13 January, when Rosie Wilkin will be telling us about Headdresses and Hairstyles through history.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings which are held in the Community Centre on the second Wednesday each month (except August), but if you would like to talk to someone first, or need help to get to the Community Centre, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674, or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.
L Sanders

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

For the Love of Cows.

Wednesday 14th October 2015
Our Speaker for our Meeting was Helen Reeve. She gave a fascinating and interesting talk on For the Love of Cows. This wasn’t just a talk about her love of cows – it was about one particular breed: the Dexter. It was also about Helen’s battle to succeed in farming, which is a male dominated career. She began with just two Dexter’s, and, through support from the Young Farmers, and her mum and dad of course, she has won many awards and has worked her way up through the Young Farmers, representing them many times. She now has a herd of over 40 Dexters. Helen describes them as small for cows but with a big voice and very talkative. She has shown them at the Royal Norfolk Show several times. Helen has even been on the One Show, and met Matt Baker. Her talk was inspiring and it has shown that it is possible for women to progress in a career that is so dominated by men. The Meeting was enjoyed by all and I’m sure many of the women will be buying Dexter beef from Helen in the future. To me, she embodied everything that the WI is about. Inspiring, hard working, forward thinking and wanting to blaze a trail to empower women to succeed.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at our usual home of the Poringland Community Centre. We will be entertained by Greg Morris, who will be playing seasonal Irish Christmas music, to help us to prepare our spirit for Christmas. I’m sure it will be an enjoyable evening and we will have our usual buffet supper. The competition is to decorate a bauble.             
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Monday, 5 October 2015

Rachel Rusholme-Pilcher. The Science of Sleep.

Wednesday 9th September 2015
Our speaker at our Meeting was Rachel Rusholme-Pilcher, who is the Norfolk Federation Science Officer. She did a wonderful talk on The Science of Sleep, and – she managed to keep everyone awake! It can be so easy to feel sleepy when talking about sleep. Rachel managed to explain what happens when we sleep in such a way that it was easily understood, and incredibly fascinating. The talk appeared to be enjoyed by all and there were many questions at the end for Rachel to answer. A big thank you to Rachel for such an interesting talk.
The competition was Best tip for a good night’s sleep. There were several entries and Rachel chose the winner. Rachel emphasised that the best thing for a good night’s sleep was getting into a good routine. And unfortunately, no caffeine after around 1600hrs!
A big thank you to everyone who supported our jumble sale in September, money raised from this helps us, as a Charity organisation, to keep running.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th November 2015 at the Community Centre. As usual, there will be no speaker for this meeting as it is our annual meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone there. Don’t forget to bring your mug.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Boats of the Mediterranean.

Wednesday 8th July 2015
Our meeting this week was in our usual home of the Community Centre. We welcomed Nicola Werden, who spoke to us about Boats of the Mediterranean. Poor Nicola had a cold on the night so needed to use a microphone so that we could all hear her – her husband was on hand to set everything up for her. Nicola’s talk was more specific than we thought, and she gave an interesting and fascinating insight into their boat – the Never Moody, and their journey from the UK and ending in Greece.
Nicola and her husband had sold their house to invest in the Never Moody as it had been a dream of theirs to live on a yacht. The Never Moody was the lucky boat and they had many adventures, seeing dolphins, attempting to catch fish to be self-sufficient (which was never as consistent as they hoped!) They made many new friends and arranged to meet family along the way. Nicola managed to give us an insight into the sometimes romantic, sometimes funny and sometimes worrying voyage. Their boat is currently moored near Greece and they hope to get back to her soon. 
Our exhibition was of holiday snaps and there certainly was a wide range of entries.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday September 9th 2015 and our speaker will be Rachel Rusholme-Pilcher. She will be entertaining us with a talk on the Science of Sleep. Our competition will be Best tip for a good night’s sleep. We look forward to seeing you then. Please remember to bring your mug for a drink.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Saturday, 4 July 2015


Our WI announces with great sadness,  the death of member Margaret Hems. Margaret had been a member since 1978 when her husband Brian became our Rector. She had been on the committee several times and was always very supportive of WI events. In recognition of her membership, Jerusalem was sang at her funeral in the Cathedral in May. 
The photo above was taken in Shirleys garden in 1993 when Margaret was Vice President. 

Birthday Month - 13th May. 2015

Our May meeting is often a special occasion, as it is our birthday month. This year, instead of a normal meeting, we treated ourselves to a meal out at Caistor Hall. It was a lovely time to catch up and chat with friends in a relaxed manner. Personally, this made a change to having a speaker, but sometimes it is nice to simply have a good meal with good friends. The raffle prizes were well appreciated by those who won them. The evening was enjoyable, the food was good and the company was great! Even the broken table was laughed about and will probably turn into an anecdote for the Poringland WI memories.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday July 8th 2015 at 1930hrs, back in our usual surroundings of the Community Centre. Our speaker will be Nicola Werden who will be talking about Boats of the Mediterranean. Our exhibition will be holiday snaps. It promises to be an eventful evening, hopefully with some laughs and new information.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Royal Garden Party / AGM

Royal Garden Party and AGM pictures


It was with some trepidation and considerable anticipation that numerous numbers of ladies exited Norfolk early morning of 2nd June, these included three ladies from Poringland WI. As our journey continued we were becoming anxious as we realized we were going to be rather late reaching our destination. Would we have time to change from our Rags to Riches?

Upon reaching the big smoke we quickly found taxis to transport us to our Hotel, still anxious that we would be late for our final destination. 

Yes, we were in London to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, we managed to ‘shed’ our Rags and don our Riches to arrive at the Palace. Pam Cooper – President, Joan Fountain – Vice President and Lesley Sanders – Hon Secretary there to represent PoringlandWI along with 8,000 other ladies from England & Wales. We were there to celebrate the Centenary of the WI at the invitation of the NFWI Board of Trustees, by graceful permission of Majesty the Queen. The Party was to be hosted by the Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, with Duchess of Wessex, Duchess of Goucester & Princess Alexandra in attendance. The weather was quite good, if a little windy - hats seemed to prefer to roll round the lawn to staying on their owners heads. A very enjoyable afternoon was had by all. 

The evening saw many of the ladies returning home, including Pam, who was to make sure final arrangements had been completed for the screening of the Annual General Meeting from the Royal Albert Hall on the 4th June. Poringland WI had invited a number of WI’s from the local area to join them in the Community Centre for this event. Lesley & Joan remained in London to attend the meeting.  Wednesday saw them relaxing and enjoying a visit to Kensington Palace, where they spent some time looking round the Palace, this was followed by a little gentle retail therapy.

On Thursday we were off to the Royal Albert Hall along with 5,000 other WI ladies. Her Majesty the Queen, who is President of Sandringham WI opened the proceedings, she was attended by the Princess Royal, an associate member and the Countess of Wessex who is a member of Buckingham Federation. After a very busy meeting we returned to our hotel for a meal, prior to travelling back to Norfolk, we arrived late evening after a very enjoyable if not hectic few days attending these Historic events.

Poringland WI are always pleased to welcome visitors to their meetings, which are held in the Community Centre on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm. Contact details can be found in this magazine.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

May meeting - Our Birthday meal at Caistor Hall.

Wednesday 13th May 2015
Our May meeting is often a special occasion, as it is our birthday month. This year, instead of a normal meeting, we treated ourselves to a meal out at Caistor Hall. It was a lovely time to catch up and chat with friends in a relaxed manner. Personally, this made a change to having a speaker, but sometimes it is nice to simply have a good meal with good friends. The raffle prizes were well appreciated by those who won them. The evening was enjoyable, the food was good and the company was great! Even the broken table was laughed about and will probably turn into an anecdote for the Poringland WI memories.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday July 8th 2015 at 1930hrs, back in our usual surroundings of the Community Centre. Our speaker will be Nicola Werden who will be talking about Boats of the Mediterranean. Our exhibition will be holiday snaps. It promises to be an eventful evening, hopefully with some laughs and new information.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Sunday, 3 May 2015

April 25th - Hazel Gillingham.

We returned to our usual home for our April meeting and our speaker was Hazel Gillingham, who gave us an incredibly interesting talk on 3 Remarkable WI Women. As a relatively new member, I found myself fascinated not only by the beginnings of the WI, but also in the bravery and uniqueness of the women who had the foresight to bring the WI on from its humble inception in Canada.
The 3 women that Hazel talked about were Adelaide HoodlessShe was a founding member of the YWCA and also the Women’s Institute in Stoney Creek in Canada. Her reasons were personal – one of her children died at age 14 months from bad milk. Her idea was to educate and inform all women of the importance of domestic science.
Madge Watt came to the UK in 1913 from Canada and the first WI in the UK was born in Anglesey, Wales. She was the first President of the ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) and helped to found the National Federation in 1917. By 1917, there were 140 WI’s in the UK and Madge helped to found and train VCO’s (WI Advisors). This role continues today and the Advisors are just as important as they were then.
The third remarkable WI woman was Lady Denman. Born Gertrude Mary Pearson and known as Trudie to her family. She was elected the first National Chairman in 1917. She served this role until 1946. In 1945 the AGM agreed to form its own college, paid for by members, and it opened in 1948 – named after one of the most dedicated and inspirational women in the WI – Denman College!
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th June 2015 at 1930hrs at the Poringland Community Centre. Our speaker is Rosalind Teague who will be presenting a talk and demonstration of Handspinning – Methods and Fibres. It promises to be a practical and informative evening.
Dates to remember
DON’T FORGET the National Centenary AGM at the Royal Albert Hall will be screened live at the Community Centre on June 4th from 1030hrs. This is a momentous occasion, the WI will be 100 years young and our most prestigious member, Her Majesty the Queen will be presentWe hope to see you all there along with many friends from other groups.

June 27th.
The WI will be manning a stall there, please pop along and see us. 

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Lesley and Pam Cooper attended the Group meeting at Haddiscoe on Monday March 16th on behalf of Poringland WI. It was a vey enjoyable meeting with Mr Roy Davenport giving a talk and performing several  magic tricks. 

It was Poringland's turn to make the flower arrangement for the table which was raffled at the end of the meeting, the competition was a flower arrangement with a magical theme. Mary Stancer kindly offered to do both arrangements. There were several very good arrangements on show which Roy judged and we were delighted to have got first prize for which I was presented with a certificate on behalf of Mary and Poringland. 

Well done Mary and we all send our thanks and congratulations to you.

Above is a photo of the flowers for the magic exhibition unfortunately you cannot see all the detail Mary had put into it from the photo.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Mrs Daphne Howlett - The History of the WI

Pam Cooper – President of Poringland WI opened the February meeting with a
welcome to members and guests.  With the Alberta Creed said and business
dealt with, she introduced our speaker for the evening, Mrs Daphne Howlett
whose subject was ‘The History of the Women's Institute (WI).
The WI was first founded in Canada by Adelaide Hunter Hoodless who had
four children, the youngest of which died at the age of 18 months.
Recognising that a number of children died before the age of five, Adelaide
suspected milk was the cause as it was unpasteurised. The death of her child
led Adelaide to devote her life to better education of new mothers,
stressing the importance of hygiene.
After some time and many meetings, the WI was formed by Adelaide in
February 1897 in Stoney Creek Ontario, with the motto ‘For Home & Country’.
Similar organisations were formed in other countries eventually reaching our
Mrs Alfred Watt came over from Canada and introduced the WI to the UK. For
three months she addressed women, mainly on large Estates where they dare
not refuse to attend as the estate owners were the employers.   In 1915 the
first WI was formed in Llanfaiar PG on the Isle of Anglesea and by 1917
there were 137 Institutes.  Queen Mary invited Mrs Watt to address a meeting
at Sandringham and the Sandringham institute was then formed on 6th March
1917 with Queen Mary their first President, followed by the Queen Mother and
then our present Queen.
We are the only women’s organisation to own our own college and Denman was
purchased in 1948 after the WIs successfully raised funds to do so. In 1952,
£4,000 was raised by Norfolk's WIs to purchase our own building, which we
still own.  At present there are approximately 300 WIs in Norfolk alone with
about 10,000 members.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries,
please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders,
Secretary on 01508 492155.

Joan Fountain.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Charlie Haylock - History of Surnames.

Wednesday 14th January 2015
Our first meeting of the new year was certainly entertaining. The wonderful Charlie Haylock regaled the group with the history of surnames, beginning with a history of language and how surnames came about. He then explained the meaning behind some of the surnames of people in the meeting, which brought about much interest for many. The English language is made up of Roman, Saxon and Viking languages/pronunciations, which is why our language is so complex. Surnames were given after place names, jobs, or activities. It is unbelievable how many variations of ‘son of’ there are!
Charlie presented this information in an interesting and often amusing way and I for one was fascinated by the reasons behind the way some words are pronounced. By the amount of group members asking extra questions at the end, I think the evening was certainly enjoyed by all!
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th March 2015, starting at the usual time of 1930hrs. Frank Lambert will be talking about Gardens of East Anglia and the competition is a floral photo – taken by yourself of course.
DON’T FORGET!  This meeting will be held in the Nightingale Centre!!!
Our jumble sale will be on Saturday March 14th 2015 at the Community Centre, starting at 1030hrs til 12 noon. Any jumble and tombola items greatly received. Entry fee as usual will be 20p. Hope to see you all there. Please deliver any jumble to the hall before 1000hrs or phone one of the numbers below if you have any items you would like collecting.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale

Monday, 5 January 2015

Rachel Duffield with her interpretation of Marie Lloyd.

Wednesday 10th December 2014
Our last meeting of 2014 was certainly a night to remember! Rachel Duffield entertained a large audience with her interpretation of Marie Lloyd – Queen of the Music Halls. We had many friends attend from other WI’s, and they seemed to enjoy the evening immensely. Rachel had dressed in a homemade replica of one of Marie Lloyd’s dresses and really looked the part. She gave us a portrayal of Marie Lloyd’s biography interspersed with music. She played the part magnificently and sang very well – with the aid of an ipad and speakers. 
Marie Lloyd was certainly a colourful character who pushed the boundaries of what was and wasn’t politically correct. She was very controversial with her songs, coming close to inappropriate on many occasions, not just on stage, but in her private life. If around these days, she probably would have been on the front pages of the newspapers regularly with yet another scandalous story.
Rachel provided wonderful entertainment for our Christmas meeting and was enjoyed by all who attended. The evening ended with a lovely buffet, so thank you to all who contributed to this.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday February 11th2015 at 1930hrs at the Community Centre. Our speaker is Daphne Howlett talking about the History of the WI from 1897 to today. Hopefully this will be an informative meeting, especially of interest in our centenary year. The exhibition is of WI memorabilia.
Our jumble sale will be on Saturday March 14th 2015 at the Community Centre, starting at 1030hrs til 12 noon. Any jumble and tombola items greatly received. Entry fee as usual will be 20p. Hope to see you all there. Please deliver any jumble to the hall before 1000hrs or phone one of the numbers below if you have any items you would like collecting.
Our meeting on March 11th 2015 unfortunately cannot be held at our usual venue. This meeting will therefore be held at the usual time at THE NIGHTINGALE CENTRE in Poringland.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale