New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Friday, 13 February 2015

Mrs Daphne Howlett - The History of the WI

Pam Cooper – President of Poringland WI opened the February meeting with a
welcome to members and guests.  With the Alberta Creed said and business
dealt with, she introduced our speaker for the evening, Mrs Daphne Howlett
whose subject was ‘The History of the Women's Institute (WI).
The WI was first founded in Canada by Adelaide Hunter Hoodless who had
four children, the youngest of which died at the age of 18 months.
Recognising that a number of children died before the age of five, Adelaide
suspected milk was the cause as it was unpasteurised. The death of her child
led Adelaide to devote her life to better education of new mothers,
stressing the importance of hygiene.
After some time and many meetings, the WI was formed by Adelaide in
February 1897 in Stoney Creek Ontario, with the motto ‘For Home & Country’.
Similar organisations were formed in other countries eventually reaching our
Mrs Alfred Watt came over from Canada and introduced the WI to the UK. For
three months she addressed women, mainly on large Estates where they dare
not refuse to attend as the estate owners were the employers.   In 1915 the
first WI was formed in Llanfaiar PG on the Isle of Anglesea and by 1917
there were 137 Institutes.  Queen Mary invited Mrs Watt to address a meeting
at Sandringham and the Sandringham institute was then formed on 6th March
1917 with Queen Mary their first President, followed by the Queen Mother and
then our present Queen.
We are the only women’s organisation to own our own college and Denman was
purchased in 1948 after the WIs successfully raised funds to do so. In 1952,
£4,000 was raised by Norfolk's WIs to purchase our own building, which we
still own.  At present there are approximately 300 WIs in Norfolk alone with
about 10,000 members.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries,
please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders,
Secretary on 01508 492155.

Joan Fountain.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Charlie Haylock - History of Surnames.

Wednesday 14th January 2015
Our first meeting of the new year was certainly entertaining. The wonderful Charlie Haylock regaled the group with the history of surnames, beginning with a history of language and how surnames came about. He then explained the meaning behind some of the surnames of people in the meeting, which brought about much interest for many. The English language is made up of Roman, Saxon and Viking languages/pronunciations, which is why our language is so complex. Surnames were given after place names, jobs, or activities. It is unbelievable how many variations of ‘son of’ there are!
Charlie presented this information in an interesting and often amusing way and I for one was fascinated by the reasons behind the way some words are pronounced. By the amount of group members asking extra questions at the end, I think the evening was certainly enjoyed by all!
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th March 2015, starting at the usual time of 1930hrs. Frank Lambert will be talking about Gardens of East Anglia and the competition is a floral photo – taken by yourself of course.
DON’T FORGET!  This meeting will be held in the Nightingale Centre!!!
Our jumble sale will be on Saturday March 14th 2015 at the Community Centre, starting at 1030hrs til 12 noon. Any jumble and tombola items greatly received. Entry fee as usual will be 20p. Hope to see you all there. Please deliver any jumble to the hall before 1000hrs or phone one of the numbers below if you have any items you would like collecting.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale