New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Sunday, 3 May 2015

April 25th - Hazel Gillingham.

We returned to our usual home for our April meeting and our speaker was Hazel Gillingham, who gave us an incredibly interesting talk on 3 Remarkable WI Women. As a relatively new member, I found myself fascinated not only by the beginnings of the WI, but also in the bravery and uniqueness of the women who had the foresight to bring the WI on from its humble inception in Canada.
The 3 women that Hazel talked about were Adelaide HoodlessShe was a founding member of the YWCA and also the Women’s Institute in Stoney Creek in Canada. Her reasons were personal – one of her children died at age 14 months from bad milk. Her idea was to educate and inform all women of the importance of domestic science.
Madge Watt came to the UK in 1913 from Canada and the first WI in the UK was born in Anglesey, Wales. She was the first President of the ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) and helped to found the National Federation in 1917. By 1917, there were 140 WI’s in the UK and Madge helped to found and train VCO’s (WI Advisors). This role continues today and the Advisors are just as important as they were then.
The third remarkable WI woman was Lady Denman. Born Gertrude Mary Pearson and known as Trudie to her family. She was elected the first National Chairman in 1917. She served this role until 1946. In 1945 the AGM agreed to form its own college, paid for by members, and it opened in 1948 – named after one of the most dedicated and inspirational women in the WI – Denman College!
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th June 2015 at 1930hrs at the Poringland Community Centre. Our speaker is Rosalind Teague who will be presenting a talk and demonstration of Handspinning – Methods and Fibres. It promises to be a practical and informative evening.
Dates to remember
DON’T FORGET the National Centenary AGM at the Royal Albert Hall will be screened live at the Community Centre on June 4th from 1030hrs. This is a momentous occasion, the WI will be 100 years young and our most prestigious member, Her Majesty the Queen will be presentWe hope to see you all there along with many friends from other groups.

June 27th.
The WI will be manning a stall there, please pop along and see us. 

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.  If there are any queries, please contact Pam Cooper, President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492155.

Samantha Mosedale