New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Poringland WI Annual Meering 2016

At our November Annual Meeting, we heard from the Treasurer that we are in a healthy financial position at the moment, and the Annual Report reminded us of all the activities we had taken part in throughout 2016.  We were then pleased to re-elect Pam Cooper to be our President for the coming year.  Our committee is quite small, but we are lucky to have the help of plenty of members to do the tasks that need doing each month in order for meetings to run smoothly.
Our first meeting of 2017 will be on 11 January when we will welcome Keith Grisedale who will be telling us about the work of the Norfolk Blood Bikes who help to save lives by transporting blood and organ donations quickly between hospitals.   The competition is for a New Year’s Resolution, so get your thinking caps on to think up something unusual, or something that you aspire to keeping
If you are new to the village, and would like to make friends then why not come along to one of our meetings, we always make visitors very welcome.  Our meetings take place on the second Wednesday evening each month in the Community Centre.  Details are to be found on our Blog page  ( and in the foyer of the Centre, or phone to know more, or if you would like a lift to the meeting. 

 Lesley 01508 492155 or Pam on 01508 

Lesley Sanders