New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Monday, 30 April 2018

Group Meeting on April 25th

Waveney Valley Group of Women’s Institutes

The entertainment at the above meeting held at Poringland Community Centre was Martin Shults who performed well known songs the musicals ranging from ‘Oh what a beautiful morning’ from Oklahoma, ‘The street where you live’ from My Fair Lady to ‘Bring Him Home’ from Les Miserableshe also amused us with tales about people he had worked with including Andrew Lloyd Webber and Michael Ball.  He was thanked by a member from Thurlton WI.
We had fun with the competition: two members from Poringland and Ditchingham respectively had dressed as characters from the musicals: Pam Lack  as Miss Hannigan from Annie and Zelia Dickinson  as Millie from Thoroughly Modern Millie. Martin judged Pam as the winner with Zelia  as the runner up. 

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Update from Lesley (Secretary)

Poringland WI.
We continue to be an active WI, as well as our normal monthly meetings, we have regular scrabble days and coffee mornings in the Royal Oak; we also have teams taking part in the County Darts and 10 Pin Bowling leagues.  The bowling team did well to get through to the semi final, we are not so good at the darts but all our activities involve plenty of fun, friendship and laughter.  We have a group who attend the gym each week and another who enjoy singalong sessions in a member’s home.  We also have various outings planned, including a visit the Harnser wood at Elsing, which was planted by WI members in 2000.  This will be a walk around the wood, followed by lunch in the local pub.
We also entered the Federation annual craft competition, this year entitled Gilbert and Sullivan.  We chose to depict the Mikado, and 5 members produced some lovely items of craft/cookery/floral arrangement/painting to set the scene.  We were pleased to come seventh out of the 14 entries.
At our April meeting, we heard from Simon White of Beales roses, he showed slides of climbing and rambling roses, and had a selection of roses etc at discount prices.  As May is our Birthday month we are joined by partners and friends for dinner at the Feathers.  At the end of April we hosted the group meeting, with 8 other WIs joining us to hear Martin Shults sing songs from the Musicals.  Martin has appeared on the London stage in named parts from musicals like the Phantom and Les Mis, he also sings locally with the Upper Octave.  The evening was very enjoyable, with members humming along and tapping feet.
Our June meeting will be a demonstration of 3D Fabric flowers by Georgette Vale.  Before then, 2 members will once again attend the National AGM, this year to be held in Cardiff.  The resolution for debate this year is on Mental Health matters, and the speakers will be Dame Stella Rimington, former head of MI5 and Huw Edwardsnews reporter and journalist.
As usual, a busy year ahead, if you would like to join us, please come along to the Community Centre on the second Wednesday at 7.30pm.  Details of our meetings are posted in the entrance hall, to be found on our blog, or phone the President on 491674, or Secretary on 492155.
Lesley Sanders

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Death of Shirley Shackshaft. 2017.

Poringland WI announces with great sadness,  the death of member Shirley Shackshaft 🌹. Shirley had been a member since 1968 and over the years had been President, Treasurer and Secretary many times. 
She was a great friend and member and will be greatly missed by every one.

Death of Anne Ewing 2017.

Poringland WI announces with great sadness,  the death of member Ann Ewing 🌹.   Ann had been a member since 2012.  

She was a great friend and member and will be greatly missed by every one.

Death of Margaret Widdowson. 2018.

Poringland WI announces with great sadness,  the death of member Margaret Widdowson 🌹. Margaret had been a member since 2013.  

She was a great friend and member and will be greatly missed by every one.  

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Centenary Salver competition

Hi everyone, here is the picture of our entry to this comp.

We came 7th out of 14, so well done everyone. I have taken pictures of some of the other entries for future reference! There were 4 Pinafores, 2 Pirates, 5 Mikados, 2 Trial by Jury and 1 mixture.

The first 3 were all HMS Pinafore. Surlingham did The Pirates and came 8th. 

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Meeting on 14th February. Making felt hearts.

At our meeting in February our own Sue Francis taught us to make and decorate green felt hearts.       All members really enjoyed the evening and had the pleasure of taking home their lovely work.


Friday, 6 April 2018


Tuesday 27th March 2018

Report by delegate Judith Finn


After a glorious rendering of Jerusalem by some 600 members, David Full, the Lord Mayor, welcomed us all, thanked us for inviting him, both now and some 28 years previously, when he was also Lord Mayor. He expressed much appreciation for the good work that Norfolk W.I.sdo in their communities, especially their contribution towards action against Domestic Abuse.


Then Wendy Adams, our Federation Chairman, spoke about the good work and events we had all contributed to over the last year, including International Women’s Day, the walk on 2nd May in aid of ACWW, mental health matters, the Royal Norfolk Show and the Garden Party at Mannington Hall.  Some of these events were over-subscribed, so book early for the coming ones, especially as next year will be Norfolk Federation’s centenary.
She said that our Norfolk W.I. magazine had changed format, and asked for people to contribute articles. 27thJuly will be Norfolk Day and the office will have an Open House.  Wendy then stated that this was her last Annual Meeting as Chairman, and that serving over the last four years had been a privilege and a pleasure, especially as she had been able to attend the National WI Centenary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in 2015.


This was presented by Vicki Reynolds, and showed a healthy £204,398 as total funds being carried forward at the financial year end 31st October 2017. 
They needed to spend more on necessary repairs to the Norwich Head Office building, and had to commit to booking the Holiday Inn for February 2019, amongstother events, to celebrate our Centenary Year.  Tickets were still available and she was hoping for a good response, also for the sale of 500 Club shares.

The accounts were unanimously passed, and also the appointment of Argents as independent examiners for 2018-19


This was Davina Turner who runs Britannia Enterprises which started when she was Centre Manager of Chapelfield Mall Shopping Centre, and she had the idea to involve suitable inmates of Norwich Prison to help them get adjusted to work in the outside world. She became a Prison Visitor and the saw how long term prisoners had difficulties on release to adjusting, getting jobs, and avoiding re-offending.
She and a colleague, Will Sykes, set up the Britannia Café at the Prison, which was opened to the public in January 2014, staffed virtually entirely by prisoners. The experience helps them to find jobs on release, and they are also given practical help to make a life for themselves in the outside world, thudiscouraging them from re-offending.  By February 2018, some 68,000 people had visited the Café, and Davina encouraged us to use it, to help them to raise the money needed to continue to do their good work. Some 62 prisoners have been involved in Britannia Enterprises, and their re-offend rate is less than 3%.  They have recently also opened a similar café in the Guildhall.


Two special events were mentioned: Friday 20th July at New Buckenham Village Hall where Allen Gray will give a Flower Demonstration, and a Literary Lunch at Bawdeswell Village Hall on 27th September.
The Centenary AGM will be in the Theatre Royal on Thursday 21st March, 2019, with Pam Ayres as the main speaker.
There will be a display of Arts & Crafts at Evelyn Suffield House on 14th/15th April, and the Norfolk WI News will be promoting special Centenary pens for sale.
Please note that the email for contacting Norfolk WI News has changed from to .

The federation is planning lots events for the centenary year, including a holiday trip to Ireland. A new logo has been created featuring the heron, which is native to Norfolk, with shapes incorporating the letters W and I.

Cups and certificates were presented, especially to those WIs who have significant birthdays, including DitchinghamBarnham Broom, Hethersett, Hingham and Hardingham.

The Advisory Committee, who will be running a Quiz in November, are looking for more Advisors, and asked anyone who may be interested to approach Margaret Collingwood, or speak to the office.


This was Tim Bentinck, who plays David in the radio serial The Archers, and has recently published his autobiography entitled “Being David Archer and Others – Unusual Ways of Earning a Living”.
He told us about his varied life, the parts he had played and the people he had met.  He was a very interesting and amusing speaker and we all enjoyed listening to him.


These included 500 Club, Bursaries, Denman Dip and Raffles.

BOARD OF TRUSTEE announcements

The new Federation Chairman will be Margaret Collingwood and the Treasurer will be Vicki Reynolds; First Vice Chairman Carol Makins, Second Vice Chairman Maggie Gallop.

Chairmen of:-
Arts & Crafts Carol Makins
Communications Mary Dorell
Leisure Activities Lesley Sanders
Membership Advisory Meg Dorling
Public Affairs Liz Barker
Sales & Marketing Evelyn Nishan

Board members Maggie Gallop, Jane Page
Denman Ambassador Maggie Gallop
Federation Events Co-ordinator Coral Bachelor


The Meeting terminated with the singing of the National Anthem with two verses.

The whole event was very well organized, welcoming and friendly, and deservedly very well supported.

It was a privilege and a pleasure to attend.

Judith Finn