New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Some Poringland Member's held a get together outside in August





Dear all, we had a pleasant get together outside the Community centre on Wed 12 August.  The weather was hot, so we decided that under a tree near the library would be better than in the sun, and there was a gentle breeze to fan us.  
 Unfortunately Wed 19 was damp so we were unable to repeat it.  – a few hardy souls managed to turn up despite the rain – the one day in the week it had to rain would you believe it?

A number of you told us you were prepared to come to an indoor meeting, so you will be pleased to know that we have arranged to hold a meeting in September.  This will be on Wednesday 16th (NB week after our normal day)  3pm to 4.30pm and the speaker will be Andrew Brogan of the Henstead Exotic Garden (with pictures) as per programme.  We will be in half the hall to facilitate social distancing, and you must bring a mask, but there will be no refreshments – unless you bring them yourselves, no raffle, competition or sales table.  Unfortunately we are restricted to 30 people being present, so if you wish to come you MUST let us know ASAP, and it will be first come, first served.  If too many apply, then we will hold a reserve list and you must please let us know if, having booked, you cannot make it, so that we can reallocate your space.  This of course depends on there being no increase in Covid cases locally which may result in further restrictions, but the committee thought that we must make a start to try arranging something for you, our members.  And of course it will be nice to actually see some of you again after all this time.  
Number to call to confirm your place is Carol Cole 494425 or email 
Birthdays this month 
Jean King, Me, and Veronica, 
Sorry I missed off Ann Becket last month, but Happy Birthday to you

GYM is restarting
Malcolm is back at work in September and has rearranged the equipment we use so it is well spaced out, and has a strict cleaning schedule for our safety.  First day back is Thursday 10 September 3pm.  If anyone who has not been before would like to join us, we would be pleased to see you.  Here’s what we do in the hour: we begin and end with some warming up/down exercises, and in between have 5 or 6 minutes on each of the cardio machines- cycling, walking, cross trainer and rowing, each of which is set to our individual level.  Some weeks we include steps, or aerobic exercises.  It is all very friendly, with music and usually laughter.  If this appeals to you, then contact Lesley the cost is £5 per session.  Regulars - we need to sort out transport arrangements.
10 pin bowling – I will contact the venue once schools return to see if we can possibly restart sessions.
Jigsaw puzzles to borrow.  
1000 pieces – Map of Great Yarmouth, Classic FM Hall of Fame, map of the world, map of Norwich.  
500 pieces – Map of Poringland, coronation/jubilee/still life.  
Contact Lesley if you would like to borrow any of these.

Having read a lot of poems to find ones you might like to read, I tried my hand this month – what do you think?  Rubbish?  I was inspired by our walks during lockdown, around Poringland and Brooke with the dogs

The sights of summer
The poppies glorious in the fields
Golden barley rippling in the breeze
A kestrel hovering o’er the margins,
And bright green leaves upon the trees.

The sounds of summer
The larks singing up so high
The gentle shushing of the trees
The rippling water of the stream
The lazy buzzing bumblebees.

The Scent of summer
The roses in the hedgerow, 
The scent of new mown hay
The sweetest honeysuckle
At the end of a warm day.

The touch of summer
The hot sun warming on your neck,
Feel the rough bark of the trees
Gentle hands brush through the barley
Grasses tickling your bare knees.
Don’t laugh, I am now working on autumn, maybe I should have started with spring when lockdown began but I have almost forgotten the mud and damp and then the hot days in April –how they felt and what we saw.


Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes in the grass (or on a lounger) on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.


Another little quiz for you.  Remember those annoying catch phrases?  Can you remember who said these?
1 which film comedians used the phrase ”Another fine mess you got me into”?
2 Which TV show had the phrase “Exterminate”
3 Who said “Elementary my dear Watson”?
4 which sportsman said “I am the Greatest”
5 Who gave us  “Nice to see you, to see you nice”?
6 In which radio show was “He’s fallen in the water”?
7 OR “Are you sitting comfortably”?
8 Who said “You are awful, but I like you”?
9 Whose catch phrase was “Wakey, Wakey!”?
10 Which film star said “you dirty rat, you!”
11  Who said “I wanna tell you a story”?
12  Who said “Hello Missus, have you ever been tickled”?
13  Who said “Come up and see me sometime”?
14 in which TV show did they “open the box” and that predates Noel Edmonds!
15 – is this before your time?  Which Radio show 
“Can I do you now Sir?”

Answers to the little quiz about the WI – mostly in last month’s Newsletter

1 When was Denman College purchased?  1948
2 How was it paid for? All Members collected
3 Where is the Norfolk Federation Office?  All Saints Green
4 What year was Norfolk Fed Centenary?  2019
5 What year was National Fed Centenary?  2015
6 Who do you apply to for 500 club tickets? Vanessa
7 How do you enter the Fed office now if you visit?  Back door only
8 Which day is there no parking at the office?  Friday
9 What days/times can you visit? Mon-Thurs 10.30-3pm
10 Who should be our speaker in September?  Andrew Brogan, Henstead Exotic Garden