New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Sunday, 8 November 2020

November Newsletter 2020

Does it feel like 2 steps forward and 1 back to you or is that just me!  We were trying to take little steps toward some sort of new normal and now we are back to the new lockdown.

Don’t forget the poppy appeal, no door to door collection this year.  Poppies are in shops now, please don’t forget yours.


Dear All

So sad to realise we have lost 7 months of the year without being able to hold any WI meetings and be able to meet up with our friends and fellow members.

I have had several phone calls from WI head office in Norwich discussing how we have managed to keep in touch with our members.  Thanks to Lesley producing such a marvellous news letter each month we have managed much better than many WIs it seems.  Unfortunately I do not think judging from talking to them that every small WI will survive this pandemic due to age of members or struggling to get a President or Treasurer, a disappointing thought.

Mary and Liz have both had operations during October, Mary has suffered 2 setbacks but is progressing well now. After 9 months of constant pain from a broken hip joint that was missed by the hospital in January Liz is now doing marvellously pain free and raring to drive and get out and about again.  Unfortunately Liz had to have Rosie put to sleep in October as she was in so much pain in the end with her rear legs.  Liz would like to thank everyone who has rung her, visited her and helped keep her going through all the last months, she has really appreciated it.

At our last Zoom committee meeting we agreed that we would cancel our Christmas entertainment which unfortunately has proven to be the right decision.

The programme for 2021 has been arranged and all we can do is try and stay positive that life might return to some sort of normal next year.
Warmest wishes to you all and continue to stay safe.



Only one Birthday this month - Happy Birthday to Hilary


Annual Meeting business – this is very important as we cannot hold a physical meeting this year.

Please can you check the enclosed Accounts and Annual Report and contact me with your approval, questions or disagreement.


We need at least 18 replies so that we can tell the Charity Commission that we have consulted everyone and got a majority agreement.  The present Committee have agreed to continue for another year, and we have no further nominations.  The present Officers of Pam as President, Joan and Carol as Vice Presidents, Lesley as Secretary, Hilary as Treasurer, plus Gail, Zelia and Liz, will continue to look after you as best we can, so no need for you to vote.

You can email or phone your response to me (Lesley) on 492155.  Thank you very much.

Remember the WI belongs to us all but there are a few rules we must follow, if we want to keep it going for our future enjoyment.  Please keep believing that we will get back together sometime.


Autumn - Another poem by Lesley


The starlings social distanced along the wire,

Tractors in the stubble fields

Darting mini helicopter dragon flies

The Bronze and gold of autumn leaves,



Branches creaking in the gale,

The sickle swifts go screaming by,

Acorns crunching under foot,

RAF planes roar across the sky., Scent

The earthy smell of new ploughed soil,

Smokey bonfires burning bright,

The musty smell of autumn leaves,

Boiling Blackberries- jam tonight.



Damp grass round your trouser legs,

The conkers prickly off the trees,

Dog wet nosing at your hand,

Shuffling through the fallen leaves.


Here is a new word for you Cockwomble.

Definition: a person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behaviour while generally having a very high opinion of their own wisdom and importance. 

Now which leader could that apply to do you think? This is apparently a genuine Scottish word. Thank you Scotland the English language is in your debt.


Now for some Dad jokes shamelessly pinched from the EDP.

Nelly the Elephant tested positive for covid.  When asked where she caught it she said ‘Trump, trump trump.’

My friend composes songs about sewing machines.  She is a Singer songwriter or sew it seams.

My wife tells me I have 2 major faults, I don’t listen ..... and something else.


Do you remember these puzzles? at one time they were everywhere. 

Example 3=BM.  Is 3 Blind Mice.



12 DOC





90=DIARA, TTT= 9


57 HV

5 GR



7 DS, 39 = S


11 LAL


13= BD

60 MIH


Answers to last month’s quiz, name that year. 

1      What century was Hadrian’s wall built 135 AD

2      Venta Icenorum was finally abandoned when the civic  centre moved to Norwich  in this century 800s

3      The Battle of Hastings 1066

4      The Magna Carta was signed by King John 1215

5      The Spanish Armada 1588

6      Charles II was welcomed home after Cromwell died 1660

7      The great Fire of London when Samuel Pepys buried his cheese. 1666

8      The Act of Union with England caused riots in Scotland - 1707

9      Victoria became Queen at the age of 18. 1837

10   King Edward VIII abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson – 1936

11   The Battle of Britain won by RAF  1940, Princes Margaret married Antony Armstrong Jones – 1960

12   The Beatles had their first no 1 with ‘I wanna hold your hand’ 1961

13   Concorde made her maiden flight in April and Apollo mission landed on the moon 20July 1969

14   Margaret Thatcher became first female PM1979

15   John Lennon was shot in NY at age of 40 1981

16   The first Eurostar train ran through the new Channel tunnel .  1994

17   The twin towers of the World Trade Centre were demolished by terrorist planes  2001

18   Strictly first danced across our screens.  2004

19   We first met the inhabitants of Downton Abbey in September  2010

October Newsletter 2020

Dear Friends

Are you still feeling isolated or fed up with the new Covid restrictions? Well we are starting to DO things again but tentatively.  As my climbing instructor said ‘take Little Fairy steps Lesley’!  Oh Yes I used to go ’mountain’ climbing -  mainly to the ‘Rocky Edges’ in the Peak District but occasionally we would go wild camping in Wales and try something a bit higher and more rugged. Anyway that was er nearly 60 years ago so back to the present.


This is some of the 10pin bowling gang taken in 2016, and we are still as keen as ever.  In fact were are so keen that  10 of us rather appropriately, went off to Bowthorpe last Friday afternoon -- that included 2 husbands and a friend we have made from another WI.  We had to be separated into 2 groups of 5 and were not allowed to bowl near the other group.  It was all very well organised with Social distancing and masks in place, alternate lanes in use, and areas cleaned after each group.  We thoroughly enjoyed it and plan to go again this Friday.

The walking group has also had an outing – it began on 16 September which should have been our rearranged meeting afternoon.  Some members sat and chatted while some of us walked around the wood behind the Community Centre. At that point we decided we would like to start walking together again.  So 6of us went to Bergh Apton last Tuesday – we got a bit wet but it was good to be out.   We are planning the next walk for Tuesday 3rd November.  If you would like to join us, get in touch with Pam or Lesley and we will reveal the venue, as we haven’t decided where yet.


The largest number of Birthdays this month: Pat Linstead, Pam Cooper, Carol Hurren, Joy Clark, Jeannette. Happy Birthday to you all.

We also wish Liz and Mary a speedy recovery after their operations.

Federation Mailing – this month there were 8 items included in the mailing.  As these come by email, some, like zoom talks or on line scams will not be relevant to you.  I have printed off some for you and enclose them for you.

These are – the Federation Newsletter, lockdown baking for October – I really fancy the toffee apple cake!  The make a wish Christmas decoration sheet, and the presents at Christmas list – if you are interested in any items, I can collect them from the Office for you.  There is also a sheet of information about the present campaigns, if you areinterested in getting involve I can let you have a copy.

Denman College.

I told you in the August newsletter that Denman is to be closed.  I have now received a further letter about the proposals.  This letter states that (as we know) Denman has had financial difficulties for the last 10 years and has not the reserves to withstand the financial hit of Covid lockdown.  It also states that only 3% of members attend.  That is interesting, as at least 13 of our current members have attended mostly on our Denman Bursary so we are far above the average.  In all we have had 26 members attend since we started the Bursary in 1993.  Some like myself have attended on many occasions at our own expense, because we enjoyed it so much.  Sadly that is an experience that the newer members can no longer enjoy.

We are now asked formally to make representation on the proposed sale of the Denman Estate.and the change of wording of the Denman Charitable Trust:

Which it to be “the promotion of Education of members of the WI in accordance with the objects of the body corporate called NFWI....”.  This means via the internet or by regional or more localised courses provided around the county rather than at Denman.

Please let me know if you have any comments to make.  Thank you.


This witty poem about Covid-19 is by Jan Beaumont from the **Starts at 60** Community

I'm normally a social girl
I love to meet my mates
But lately with the virus here
We can't go out the gates.
You see, we are the 'oldies' now
We need to stay inside
If they haven't seen us for a while
They'll think we've upped and died.
They'll never know the things we did
Before we got this old
There wasn't any Facebook
So not everything was told.
We may seem sweet old ladies
Who would never be uncouth
But we grew up in the 60s -
If you only knew the truth!
There was sex and drugs and rock 'n roll
The pill and miniskirts
We smoked, we drank, we partied
And were quite outrageous flirts.
Then we settled down, got married
And turned into someone's mum,
Somebody's wife, then nana,
Who on earth did we become?
We didn't mind the change of pace
Because our lives were full
But to bury us before we're dead
Is like a red rag to a bull!
So here you find me stuck inside
For four weeks, maybe more
I finally found myself again
Then I had to close the door!
It didn’t really bother me
I'd while away the hour
I'd bake for all the family
But I've got no flaming flour!
Now Netflix is just wonderful
I like a gutsy thriller
I'm swooning over Idris
Or some random sexy killer.
At least I've got a stash of booze
For when I'm being idle
There's wine and whiskey, even gin
If I'm feeling suicidal!
So let's all drink to lockdown
To recovery and health
And hope this awful virus
Doesn't decimate our wealth.

Answer to the Catch Phrase quiz – sorry if some of them were before your time, maybe your granny told you about them!

1  ”Another fine mess you got me into” Laurel and Hardy.

2 “Exterminate” – Dr Who

3 “Elementary my dear Watson”?  Sherlock Holmes of course.

4  Cassius Clay said “I am the Greatest”

5 “Nice to see you, to see you nice”?  Bruce Forsyth

6 “He’s fallen in the water”? The Goon Show.

7  “Are you sitting comfortably”? Listen with mother.

8 Dick Emery said “You are awful, but I like you”?, 9  “Wakey, Wakey!”?  Billy Cotton Bandshow

10 James Cagney  said “you dirty rat you!”

11  Max Bygraves “I wanna tell you a story”?

12   “Hello Missus, have you ever been tickled”?  was Ken Dodd’s opening line.

13  Mae West said “Come up and see me sometime”.

14 Take your pick included “open the box”

15 –  The Radio show with   “Can I do you now Sir?”  Mrs Mopp in ITMA (Its that man again)


Another little quiz got to keep those brain cells working.  This time it is name that year. 

Hint they are in ascending order.

1      What century was Hadrian’s wall built

2      Venta Icenorum was finally abandoned when the civic  centre moved to Norwich  in this century

3      The Battle of Hastings – come on dead easy!

4      The Magna Carta was signed by King John

5      The Spanish Armada

6      Charles II was welcomed home after Cromwell died

7      The great Fire of London when Samuel Pepys buried his cheese.

8      The Act of Union with England caused riots in Scotland -

9      Victoria became Queen at the age of 18.

10    King Edward VIII abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson - , The Battle of Britain won by RAF 

11     Princes Margaret married Antony Armstrong Jones –

12    The Beatles had their first no 1 with ‘I wanna hold your hand’

13    Concorde made her maiden flight in April and Apollo mission landed on the moon 20July

14    Margaret Thatcher became first female PM

15    John Lennon was shot in NY at age of 40

16    The first Eurostar train ran through the new Channel tunnel . 

17    The twin towers of the World Trade Centre were demolished by terrorist planes on 11 Sept.

18    Strictly first danced across our screens. 

19    We first met the inhabitants of Downton Abbey  in September of this year.