New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Friday, 18 June 2021


Poringland Newsletter June 2021

A number of you enjoyed our Thursday afternoon strolls around the area last month.


This picture is of the group of walkers and chatterers on 13th May.


 If you would like these to continue they will be on Wednesdays (except the last week)

 at 2.30pm.


Please let me know if you would like to join in.

Dear All

John Henson has asked me to bring to our members’ attention the Voting for the Neighbourhood plan.   Voting will take place at the committee centre on July 8th.   Please turn up and place your YES or NO vote

Norfolk gardens open for charity. 2021.

Would any member be interested in a visit to a local garden in late July?

The garden is Brick Kiln House,  Priory Lane Shotesham. Norwich. NR15 1UJ

I have made enquiries and they will allow private visits by arrangement.

It is a 2 acre garden with colourful borders, sculptures and a stream running through a diversely planted wood. Parking is in a field but easy access via a brick path.  There is a nice seating area and the garden entrance is a Standard £5:00 that goes to charity, the owner would provide a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of homemade cake for £2:50 pp.  If interested please ring me on 01508 491674 or email me on and I will see if I can arrange transport for everyone. 

Best wishes.


We plan to have our usual meeting – Wednesday 14 July 7.30pm.  please let a committee member know if you intend to come along

10 pin bowling sessions have resumed at the Namco bowling alley on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 10am.  Next fun session will be on 11th June. 

This is the throne, but who will be crowned Queen of Dunston?


Monthly Tuesday morning walks resuming

The first of these will take place on 15th June, meet at the car park on Dunston Common at 11am for a walk around the area, followed by lunch at 1pm in the Bunkers Bar at Dunston hall.  If you don’t wish or are unable to walk far, you are welcome to meet us for lunch – we shall still have to divide into groups of 6 at the moment.  Please let Pam or me know if you would like to walk or dine so that we can book places.

Birthdays this month

Happy Birthday

 to Diana Davey, Jenny Herne,

 Maureen Scott and Rosemary Wain


Nina is organising a coach trip to Bury St Edmonds on Wednesday 7July.  This is a Wed group outing, but you are welcome to join,  there are 9 tickets available @ £10.  Pick up at church 9.30am, return 5.30pm. Call Nina on 493336 to book.

Thank You on behalf of myself and my family to the members for their condolences and sympathy on the loss of my husband John. 

The numerous cards and messages we have received have been a great comfort to us.

  Thanks to everyone.

Joan Fountain


Green heart bee friendly flower bombs - if you have not planted yours yet, or have put them in a small pot but have nowhere in your garden for them to grow on, we are planning to put some around the village. 

I have spotted 3 places where we could put them:

1          By the pond on the corner of Carr lane and Shotesham road someone has already planted daffodils and bluebells in this area.

2          By the pond with a seat, next to the community wood off the Ridings/Victory Avenue. 

3          There is a new bank on the side of Carr lane on the corner near the entrance to the Community wood, where a footpath has been created into the new estate.  This would be ideal as it has been cleared and seeded with grass, but will be overtaken by weeds from nearby eventually.

You will by now be aware that we are starting up some of our regular events.  As a replacement for the old monthly coffee mornings, we held our first tea and chat afternoon in the Oak and we hope these will continue 2 - 4pm on the Last Wednesday each month. Make a note in your diary next date 30th June.

The gym sessions are back in full swing on Thursday afternoons

Darts evenings 7.30pm at the Oak on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 

Singalong Session Thursday 10am on 17 June at the home of Pam Lack.  Hillcrest, Bungay road.

Scrabble day 10am on 24 June again at Pam’s home.  Bring a picnic lunch.


June Quiz.  All these events took place in June, but which year?  Most are in from the 20th Century.

No two events are the same year.  1 point for the exact year, ½ point for the decade.

1      The D Day landings took place

2      The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll

3      Coronation of Queen Victoria

4      Prince William was born

5      Fred Astaire died

6      Research established smoking causes lung cancer.

7      Credit cards were introduced

8      Pedestrian crossings with Belisha beacons first installed.

9      We had a Referendum about staying in the Common Market.

10   Female ministers first ordained in Methodist church.

11   Alcohol limits introduced for car drivers

12   Third class carriages abolished on trains.

13   First Cash machines installed in UK.

14   Billy Butlin died

15   Superman first appeared on screen.

16   A Pope visited Poland for first time.

17   TV licence was introduced in Britain

18   Charles Dickens died.

19   Work began on Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral.  

20   Thomas Becket was consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury.