New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Friday, 18 February 2022

February Newsletter


Poringland WI Newsletter February 2022

Dear All

Here we are moving into the second month of 2022, where does the time go?

As there is no Denman College to use our Bursary on, your committee feel it would be nice to continue using our ‘Bursary’ money to organise workshops and outings for members so that more of you will be able to participate. 

So if you have any ideas for workshops or speakers, please let a member of the committee know.  We do have some ideas, but it is always nice if you, the members tell us the sort of thing you would like.      


Local Events

Pottery Painting session,  The next session is booked for Thursday morning 10.30am on 10th February.  I will try to organise another for those who cannot make that date as I am having trouble finding a date that everyone who wanted to come along, could attend.

Next Walking date is Tuesday 15th February at Raveningham Gardens to see the snowdrops.  Entry fee is £5, £4.50 concessions or free to RHA or HHA members.  We will hopefully be taking lunch at The White Horse Chedgrave.

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 26th February 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich road opposite the Barracks.

Singalong sessions are back! at the home of Pam Lack – Hillcrest,Bungay road.  Thursday 10.15am – on 17th February and 3rd March.  Speak to Pam/Lesley if interested – just for fun, absolutely no singing talent required!

Gym sessions Thursday afternoon 3pm at the Anchorage, Upper Stoke, new members welcome.

Darts evenings on the second and fourth Tuesday evening at the Oak, next session on 22nd Feb.

Ten Pin Bowling second and fourth Friday 10am at NAMCO Bowthorpe,

Please ask a committee member for more information on any of these.

Scrabble sessions coming soon watch this space for details.


Birthdays for February: 

Happy Birthday to Carol Cole and Sue Cranmer


Bunwell and Carleton Rode WI invite you to a craft day on Saturday

26th March 10 – 15.30 in Bunwell Village Hall.  Cost £25 including lunch,

Craft options:  Jewellery, Stained glass, Macrame plant holder, Folded card pen holder and Ribbon embroidery.  If interested contact Christine Potter on 01953 788792 or email

2022 Art Exhibition and Sale

Will be held at the Catholic Church, Upgate NR14 7SH.

10-4pm on Friday 18 & Saturday 19 Feb.  Refreshments available.

Entrance fee £1.  For more info speak to Ann Webster on 494401

or email


Community Cinema shows in the Community Centre

Friday 11 February ‘Nowhere Special

 a drama with James Norton

Friday 11 March ‘King Richard’

 described as a Biography/drama/sport starring Will Smith

£5 inc tea/coffee, doors open 6.45pm, please wear a mask until seated.

For more information call Maureen on 01508 494358


Federation Events

Still time to apply for these events – details on the Board:

Nosh and Natter   Celebratory lunch on Monday 30 May.  2 course lunch £12  Sticky chicken or veggie option with fruit pavlova for dessert.

Jigsaw Races – Monday 23 May 5 – 8.30pm. £8 pp include a simple hot meal and dessert.

Bridge Day for Beginners Wednesday 18 May 10 -3pm  £15 including a light lunch-

Get to know your Smart phone – android or I-Phone Thursday 21April – am or pm £7.50 per 2hour session.

Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in WI House 45 All Saints Green.  Parking available in our Car park situated off Surrey street.


Thurton Ashby WI invite you to their open evening at 7.30pm on Thursday 7 April in Thurton Village Hall.  The speaker will be Ivor Stamp of the Wherry Trust.  Please let me know if you wish to attend so that I can advise numbers.


Walking group In January,

To avoid the muddy fields, we took a stroll around Norwich, visiting the lanes area and St Benedicts, and passing 10 of the 31 remaining medieval churches in the city.  These included St Giles on the hill on upper St Giles street – the highest point in Norwich at a grand 86 feet above sea level.  In times past this church which has the tallest church tower in Norwich had a beacon on the top.  We also saw 3 blue plaques – one on our own WI House in memory of Evelyn Suffield, one on a house on upper St Giles where Sir John Mills went to school and one on the end of J Lewis to Pablo Fanque – the first black Circus owner in the Country.  If you were a Beatles fan, you would have heard of him, but maybe did not realise that he was a real person.  The song was – ‘Being For the Benefit of Mr Kite.’  The words for the song were taken almost verbatim from an 1843 Show poster. Pablo would regularly hold benefit shows for retired or injured circus performers, orphans etc. But in the end he died in poverty.  Google him for more information and pictures.

Here is a reminder of the Beatles’ song:

‘For the benefit of Mr Kite, there will be a show tonight, on Trampoline

The Henderson’s will all be there, late of Pablo Fanque’s fair, what a scene! Over men and horses, hoops and garters,  lastly through a hogshead of real Fire.  For tonight, Mr Kite is topping the bill’


We ended our walk at the Old Skating Gallery, with its beautiful original wooden roof beams.

This is now a showroom for the Country and Eastern shop and museum, next to the fire station on Bethel Street.

 An Aladdin’s cave!




In the Chair:  Mrs Joan Fountain, President


The President welcomed everyone to this the first meeting of 2022.


APOLOGIES:   received from Jean G; Jean W; Shirley G; Pam C; Annette; Pat;  Jeanette; Diana.


NEWS OF MEMBERS:  Jean Gowing has had an operation and is now recovering.


BIRTHDAY POSIES:   presented to Linda Daniels, and Mary was presented with a specially made birthday card as she is the posy maker.


MINUTES:  of December Meeting approved and signed.


Matters Arising:

Federation Annual Meeting:  This will be held on 21st March at the Theatre Royal.  

A delegate is needed, so if anyone would like to be our delegate please let Lesley know.

Annual General Meeting:    This will be held on Saturday 11th June in Liverpool.  It is our turn to provide a delegate for our group. Lesley is prepared to be our delegate, but if anyone else would like to be our delegate let  Lesley know.


RESOLUTIONS:  Lesley read out the 5 Resolutions proposed for the AGM in June.  Members voted as follows:

Resolutions  - 1. 0 votes; 2. 9 votes; 3. 2 votes; 4. 6 votes; 5. 0 votes – Resolution 2 was the one we wished to go to AGM.

Norfolk Magazines distributed and Lesley pointed out that events were printed in newsletter and also on notice board.


FEBRUARY MEETING:   The speaker is Juliet Webster and her subject ‘Yellow Caravan’.   VOT Liz.

Competition – Depiction of Aquarius – The Water Carrier. Tea Ladies – Sue Hinsley & Ann Webster.


The President then welcomed Sue Sursham who told us about her year working in Vanuatu, an archipelago of islands in the South Pacific. She illustrated this with slides. She told us she dealt with administration and ‘gently persuading‘ the population particularly getting more ‘rights’ for women). The language is French/English/Local Vanuatu (like pigeon English!). She also pointed out that the islands had active volcanoes , tsunamis, earthquakes, and lots of rain, being tropical. Sue was thanked by Maureen Scott.


Refreshments then taken. Competition won by Sue Cranmer; Second Mary Stancer.  Raffle drawn and meeting closed 9.20pm.