New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Poringland WI Newsletter February 2023


Hello Everyone

Is your green heart in this line up? We made some in Feb 2019 and more in 2021.  

If you enjoy crafting, why not join our Craft Group? 

Local Events

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 22 February 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road opposite the Barracks. Everyone welcome to come along for a chat and a cuppa.

Singalong Next session Thursday 9 Feb 10am, @ Pam Lacks.  Ask for directions if you would like to join us.  No vocal ability necessary!

Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am Friday 10th & 24th February.

Next Walk of Tuesday 21 February.  ‘City walls and medieval churches’.  Meet at the top of St Stephens at 11am for walk along part of the City Walls. Lunch in the Bella Italia at 1pm.  Any members who would like to join for the walk or just for lunch, please let Lesley know for lunch numbers.

Darts – we have now resumed sessions at the Oak on 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm.  Next will be on 14 February everyone welcome to join us if only for a chat – no previous experience necessary!  

Scrabble session next one has been booked for Wednesday 17th March at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Put the date in your diary.

Craft group Next session 2.30pm on Monday 13 February. at 74 Poringland Rd SHX (opposite the penguin/pylons) Parking in Joan’s or her neighbour’s drive for 4 or 5 cars.


to Thurton Ashby WI for their open evening at 7.30pm on Thursday 6 April. Speaker David Carver on East Anglian Pawnbrokers.  

and to Ditchingham WI at 2pm on Wednesday 12 April in their village hall to hear Charlie Haylock talking about his involvement with the filming of ‘the Dig’ about the Sutton Hoo discovery.  He was dialect coach to Ralph Fiennes, expect plenty of laughter.  Entrance £4 including a buffet.

Happy Birthday for February to 

Bridget and Sue Cranmer 

Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre



Cert PG Comedy/Drama

Stars Lesley Manville & Isabel Huppert

Tickets £5 (includes tea or coffee) on the door

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Please wear a mask when moving around the centre.


Federation Events

Nosh and Natter at the house  – Friday 3 March.  

See board for menus.  Puddings look good!

Bridge Day with lunch at Fed Office, Wednesday 15 March 10am to 3.30pm.

Women Walk the World in April.  In aid of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) supporting projects for women in need around the world.  We propose to have sponsors for our April walk to raise money towards this fund.  Watch this space for details.

Quiz Night Bawdeswell Village Hall NR20 4RU, Friday 28 April prompt start 7pm.  £8 pp includes ploughman’s Supper with choice of cheese, ham or Paté. 

We are pleased to announce that a GLIDING DAY will be held at Tibenham Airfield on Friday 19 May or 2 June (fall back day as flight is weather dependent).  Cost £60 includes 15 minute flight and picnic lunch.  Family and friends welcome to come along to support and enjoy a picnic lunch for £10. This is so popular that a second date is offered Friday 21 July (back up 28th).

Federation Evening Garden Party at Peter Beales Roses Attleborough.  

Two evenings choose between Tues 13 or Thurs 15 June 2023. 6pm – 9pm.  The evening includes a buffet and glass of wine and a tour of the rose gardens.  £25.  

ZOOM Craft workshop.  Virtually Norfolk WI invite you to a zoom gingham lace craft workshop on Thursday 30 March prompt 2pm start (zoom opens at 1.45pm) to 4pm. Cost £10 per pack includes all materials, postage & 2 raffle tickets.

See Board for details of all these events.


There will be a Concert in aid of EACH in Brooke Village Hall Saturday 18 March with the Waveney Concert Band.  Cost £8.  Refreshments and Raffle.  Board circulating for names.



In the Chair:   Mrs Joan Fountain, President

Joan welcomed members and two visitors to this the first meeting of 2023,

APOLOGIES:  Pam C; Pat; Mary; Linda; Catherine; Kate; Carol H; Jeanette.

BIRTHDAY POSIES:  As the December meeting had to be cancelled and the January recipients were absent, it was agreed that the posies would be given at the February meeting.     As Mary Stancer made the posies each month, Hilary had purchased a small plant for Mary’s birthday.

MINUTES:   November minutes were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

A] Resolutions:   Lesley read out the 4 resolutions for the AGM 2023 together 

with a short summary of what each was about.   Members were asked to vote for one which they would wish to go forward.  After discussion, a vote was taken and the resolution relating to on-line gambling received the most votes.

B] AGM 2023:   Lesley stated that the WI AGM is to be held in Cardiff but 

because there are fewer places allotted for Norfolk there will be no coach arranged.  Anyone wishing to be our delegate or to observe the meeting, has the option to travel alone, to attend the Federation event on screen or watch on their own PC.  There will only be one delegate for 8 WIs.  Poringland, this year, has to provide the delegate for our group.  Anyone interested to contact Lesley.

C] Federation Events:  Lesley reminded members to look on notice board for forthcoming events.

D] Norfolk Magazine: Members were asked to take these on behalf of those who are absent.

E} Singalong:   Arranged for Wednesday 18th January at Pam Lacks.

F] Zoom craft sessions will be held on 24th January and 21st February if anyone 


G] Nominations:    Nomination papers for committee were handed out and

members asked to return them to Joan or Lesley. 

February Annual Meeting:    As December Meeting was cancelled due to the icy weather, we will have a social evening with ‘nibbles and a drink’ refreshments.    Tea hostesses are Sue Cranmer and Gillian Braiden.   Competition is a bookmark made by the member and can be in any medium.

The President then welcomed the author, Phyllida Scrivens, who told us about ‘The Great Thorpe Railway Disaster 1874’.  She said there were other books written on the subject but she wrote her book from the ‘human’ side.   She was able to learn about the disaster from archives, papers, etc, and had contacted the descendants of passengers on that train.  It was very interesting and she was thanked by Sue France.

Refreshments were taken and then the business was continued:


A] Scrabble:    Liz has arranged for this to take place on 2nd February at The Old Feathers from 11.30am-3.30pm.  We need to purchase lunch.

B] As we will not be holding any more jumbles sales it was suggested that as an alternative fund raiser, we make items for a craft stall and Joan offered her home for 30th January for anyone interested to discuss this.

C] Salvation Army:   Lesley read out a letter of thanks from the S A for the knitted hats members had kindly made and toiletries they had donated.

D] Hotter Shoe Shop:  Zelia asked if members were interested in a trip to Hotter and to let her know. 

E] Book Club:  Joan asked if any members were interested in joining a book club as Anne Wilcox has offered to run one.

F] Birthday Dinner:   It was suggested we go back to City College for our birthday 

dinner.  Could members think about this, or suggest another venue.

G] Walk:   The next walk is on 17th January, meeting at ‘The Cellar House’ in Eaton, Cringleford.  As well as the walkers, several members would like to attend the lunch only at 1pm.

Raffle was then drawn and the meeting closed at 9.40pm.


Walking Group January.

For a change, this walk went off without incident and all according to plan.  We met at the Cellar house at 11am and ordered our lunches.  It was sunny but the temperature did not get much above freezing so we were well wrapped up.  We walked along the main road and then over the bypass and along Colney lane.  A few intrepid walkers did an extra mile along the lane and back into the ‘new estate’ to meet up with the slower members by the outdoor gym.  I think only Richard had a go on the equipment.  We then walked around the estate and across the Newmarket road into the ‘old’ part of the village, again some did an extra loop and we met up for a look around the church before returning to the Cellar House for lunch with 5 members who are now classed as ladies who lunch.  12 sat down to lunch, this is the largest number to date.  

See this month’s venue on page 1.


First Quiz of the year answers - did you know your Dickens from your Chickens?? 

1  Wickfield Dickens (David Copperfield)

2  Cruncher Dickens (Tale of 2 Cities)

3  Orpington       Chicken

4  Cuttle   Dickens (Dombey & Son)

5  Honeythunder Dickens Edwin Drood

6  Wellsummer    Chicken

7  Leghorn              Chicken

8  Frizzle                Chicken

9  Podsnap Dickens Our Mutual Friend

10 Ostralorpe        Chicken 

11 Marrams          Chicken

12 Bazzard.   Dickens (Edwin Drood)