New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Poringland WI Newsletter Sept 2023


Hi Everyone. We would like to thank all who brought cakes etc to the garden

party and to everyone who attended. We were fortunate with the weather this

year, and between us raised a total of £75.45 towards WI funds, which will

help with the cost of speakers. Our next fundraising event is the Quiz night on

Friday 29 September, we hope that you will all be able to support us either

with nibble donations or help on the night. See Board for the help needed.

Please complete the questionnaire about meeting times which is enclosed with

this Newsletter and place in box on front table, or hand to a committee

member. We need everyone’s view, so please return it asap thank you.

Our Forthcoming Events

Craft group Next session 2.30pm on Monday 18 Sept at 74 Poringland Rd

SHX (opposite the penguin/pylons). We will be sorting out the items we have

made for sale and pricing these for the upcoming Craft Fair on 21 October.

Please confirm attendance with Joan F on 493036.

Darts – meet at the Oak on 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday 2pm. Next date 26 Sept.

Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am on 2 nd and 4 th Friday. Next session

Friday 22 Sept 10am.

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 27 th Sept 2pm at the Octagon

Barn on the Norwich Road. Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session next two booked for Thursday 19 October and

31 November at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. Please confirm attendance

with Liz on 558132.

Next Walk: Tuesday 19 September. Meet at St Andrews church Bedingham

NR35 2DA. (third turn on right of B1332 after Woodton school signed

Bedingham or straight through Woodton) 11am, with Lunch 1pm at The Old

Hall Farm café. Please let Lesley know if you are walking and/or lunching,

thanks. Phone 492155 or email.

Singalong Next session Thursday 21 st September 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.

Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!

GYM Sessions at Chandler Road every Thursday afternoon. Speak to Lesley

if you are interested in joining us.

Another visit to Hotter is planned but cannot be booked at the moment due to

change of manager. Hopefully we shall have information for the next meeting.

Happy Birthday for September to

Veronica and me!


Hempnall WI  invites you to their next meeting on Wednesday 4th October, to hear

a talk by the Suffolk Prickles Hedgehog Rescue Charity entitled ‘So you think you

know about hedgehogs’.  The meeting starts at 7.30pm and is held in The Mill

Centre, Hempnall.  The charge is £4 per person. 

Brooke WI invite 4 members to a Murder Mystery evening on Thursday 12

October 7.30pm. Raffle.

Long Stratton birthday meeting Wed 18 Oct held in their village hall with Jane

Hugger ex Bluebell Girl. £5 includes light buffet. Raffle

Loddon open meeting Wed 18 Oct with Mike Wabe on Witches and witch

hunting 7.15pm St Johns Chapel George Lane Loddon.


Poringland Community Cinema in the Community Centre



Comedy/Romance Stars Lily James, Shazad Latif Emma Thompson

Tickets £5 (on the door includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Buena Vista Social Club

At Poringland Community Centre

Meets on the first Friday next film night is6 October

For more information phone John on 01508 494358 Or Carol on 01508492630

Federation Events

Lots to choose from whatever your interests:

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, a 2 course lunch for £12. Single

applicants only as spaces are limited. See board for menus.

First Aid course for seniors at Evelyn Suffield House Tuesday 10 October

basic training 10 – 1pm, Intermediate/Advanced. 1.30 – 4.30pm. £7.50 per

session. Understanding some of the common first aid medical situations that

older adults face can help you prepare for possible emergencies. Eg Falls,

cuts & scrapes, Cardiovascular problems, heat/cold related illness.

Auditions Day – Evelyn Suffield House – Thursday 16 Nov 10.30 – 3.30pm

£16 including lunch £10 if you only want tea/coffee. 5 potential new speakers

to hear and decide if they should make the Speakers list. Lunch Jackets with

choice of fillings followed by trifle or cheesecake.

Autumn Federation meetings will take place through October. Our nearest

one is at County hall on Monday 16 th 6-9pm. £7.50 inc refreshments.

Meeting Speakers are Co-op bank ‘Staying safe with your Bank’ and Saffron

Summerfield ‘When the Birds talk’ illustrated with bird song/photos/music.

See Notice Board or contact Lesley for more details of all these events.

Centenary Salver. As well as the usual co-operative competition for which

the theme this year is ‘A Day to Remember’ there is an individual competition

for crafty members. Make a cushion using any suitable medium. Anyone can

enter, see schedule for details.




In The Chair: Mrs Joan Fountain, President

As Lesley Sanders, the Secretary, was away, Maureen Scott offered to act as

Secretary for the Meeting to which the meeting approved.

The Meeting then began with the singing of Jerusalem.

The President told the meeting that our speaker was not able to attend as her son

was ill.

APOLOGIES: received from Lesley; Marietta; Jean W; Ann Webster.

NEWS OF MEMBERS: Unfortunately, Jean Waters was still unwell and it was

hoped she would soon get better. The meeting was pleased to see Hilary back

and looking well.

BIRTHDAY POSIES: were then presented to Zelia and Shirley Gray.

MINUTES: of the May Meeting were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

A] Dinner: It was agreed that for 2024 another venue would be booked.

B] Walk: The walk was enjoyable, despite the rain. The next walk is 15 th August.

Lunch at 1pm. Location to be arranged.

MAGAZINE AND CORRESPONDENCE: Magazine distributed and members

asked to take and deliver a copy to any absentee. Joan mentioned our

forthcoming events and pointed out that those and proposed events by Federation

were in newsletter.

SEPTEMBER MEETING: The speaker is Maria Pennington and her subject is

‘Jewellery Through The Ages’. The tea hostesses are Judith Finn and Gail Mays.

The competition is ‘A Handmade Item of Jewellery’.

Joan reminded members that as there is no meeting in August, we normally hold a

Garden Party at a member’s home. Joan Porter offered her home at Long Road,

and the date agreed is Wednesday 16 th August 2pm. Helpers would be needed and

members were asked if they could bring refreshments, etc.


A] Diaries: Hilary stated that she had to order diaries and calendars so if anyone

wants any could they let her know as soon as possible.

B] Bowling: The next session 28 th July.

C] Craft Group: Next meeting at Joan’s house 24 th July.

D] Darts: Matches at ‘The Oak’ on 1 st and 8 th August, both start at 7pm.

E] Singalong: at Pam Lack’s. The date and time to be arranged.

F] Scrabble: Next session at ‘The Feathers’ 21 st July.

G] Tea Afternoon: At Octagon Barn 26 th July.

H] Quiz: to be held at community Centre 29 th September, other WIs have been

invited to enter teams of four: £7 per person.

As we did not have a speaker, we had a ‘Word Search’ competition. How many

words (minimum 3 letters) from the given word ‘Celebration’. This was won by

Maureen Scott with 82 words.

Refreshments taken and competition won by Sue Cranmer. Joan Porter and Mary

Stancer runners-up. Raffle then drawn and meeting closed at 9.15pm.


Denman College update.

As many of you know, our lovely College in Oxford was sold in 2021 for £6.75

million. I have been asked to share with you a letter from National regarding their

proposals for how they will use the money. It has now been approved by the Charity

Commission that £2.75million can be used to setup a new educational model which

will be called ‘The WI Learning Hub’. There will be free online Educational courses

plus the Denman at Home will continue as now. There are some interesting

courses, workshops and talks on there if you have never looked at it.

In addition the interest on the remaining £4million will be used to support in-person

education around the country by offering grants to Federations along with expertise

and support, to enable us to put on events locally. The aim is for members to have

access to educational events without incurring significant expense.

If you want to read the letter for the full details, I have copies or could email to you.

Otherwise, we wait and see how this pans out in reality.

Macmillan Fundraising Event Friday 29 September at the Royal Oak 12 noon

onwards. Zelia would appreciate donations of nibbles/savouries/cup cakes etc and

welcome anyone wishing to support this event.