New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Monday, 16 October 2023

Poringland WI Newsletter October 2023


Welcome to Autumn – It is now official! The season of mists and mellow

fruitfulness is upon us and if you have a glut of anything eg tomatoes or

apples? I have some spare jam jars if you need any.

Our Forthcoming Events

Darts – meet at the Oak on 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday 2pm. Next date TBA.

10 Pin Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am on 2 nd and 4 th Friday. Next

session Friday 13 Oct 10am.

Even these guys think bowling is

something to sing about!

Why not join us bowling or at our

next Singalong session on

Thursday 26 Oct 10.30am, @

Pam Lack’s. Hillcrest, Bungay

road, lift available.

No vocal ability necessary!

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 25 th Oct 2pm at the Octagon

Barn on the Norwich Road. Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session next two booked for Thursday 19 October and

31 November at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. Please confirm attendance

with Liz on 558132.

Next Walk: Tuesday 17 October. Meet at 11am in the carpark at the Caistor

Roman camp for a walk around High Ash farm, and/or Lunch 1pm at the White

Horse in Trowse.

Please fill in the Board with menu choice or let Lesley know

By Phone on 492155 or email

GYM Sessions at Chandler Road every Thursday afternoon until Christmas.

Speak to Lesley if you are interested in joining us.

Another visit to Hotter is planned for Tues evening 14 November to see the

latest winter fashions. Sign up on the board tonight or Speak to Zelia.

Pottery painting – who would like another go? Or did you miss our last time?

Next one planned for 10.30am on Wednesday 15 November. Please let

Lesley know if you would like to take part.

Happy Birthday for October to

Pat, Pam, Carol and Jeannette


Long Stratton birthday meeting Wed 18 Oct held in their village hall with Jane

Hugger ex Bluebell Girl. £5 includes light buffet. Raffle

Loddon open meeting Wed 18 Oct with Mike Wabe on Witches and witch

hunting 7.15pm St Johns Chapel George Lane Loddon.

DItchingham WI. Invite you to a Fun Xmas Bingo evening on Wednesday

6 December at 2pm in Ditchingham village hall. £3 includes first bingo card,

more can be purchased. Mince pies and mulled wine etc on offer.

Wear it Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness. Zelia is holding another Charity

event at the Oak on Friday 20 October 12 noon onwards. Your support would

be appreciated.


Poringland Community Cinema in the Community Centre



Comedy/Romance Stars Lily James, Shazad Latif, Emma Thompson



DRAMA Stars Jim Broadbent & Penelope Wilton

Tickets £5 (on the door includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Buena Vista Social Club

At Poringland Community Centre

Meets on the first Friday next film night is 3 rd Nov

For more information phone John on 01508 494358 Or Carol on 01508492630

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, a 2 course lunch for £12. Single

applicants only as spaces are limited. See board for menus.

Auditions Day – Evelyn Suffield House – Thursday 16 Nov 10.30 – 3.30pm

£16 including lunch £10 if you only want tea/coffee. 5 potential new speakers

to hear and decide if they should make the Speakers list. Lunch is Jackets with

choice of fillings followed by trifle or cheesecake.

Four Corners Craft Day in Office on All Saints Green. Thursday 9 th or 30 th

November 10 – 3.15. £20, bring a packed lunch, Make 4 items in one day

See board for details.

ZOOM PANTO. ‘Happily Ever After’ this is a free event on Thursday 14

December 7.30pm. Contact Helen, for details of how

to access zoom. Lesley will be making a fool of herself again – oh yes she





In the Chair: Mrs Joan Fountain, President

The Meeting began with the singing of Jerusalem.

APOLOGIES: From Judith; Gillian; Janet; Joan P; Pam C; Mary, Veronica.

NEWS OF MEMBERS: Judith has had her operation and the members wished her

a speedy recovery.

BIRTHDAY POSIES: presented to Lesley and one to be taken for Veronica.

POINTS: The President told the meeting that Sue Cranmer had attained 30 points

and was pleased to present her with a pot plant. Joan then explained the points

system and as there were now no WI cups and saucers or spoons available, with

immediate effect, anyone reaching 25 points will get a gift.

MINUTES: were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

A] Garden Party: Everyone enjoyed this event and £75.45 was raised.

B] Quiz: This is on 29 th September at Community Centre - helpers needed; or 4

members to make up a team. Those interested to let Lesley know.

C] Questionnaire: Members were asked to complete the questionnaire enclosed

in the newsletter regarding meeting times.

D] NFWI Raffle: Lesley had tickets available.

MAGAZINE: had been distributed to members.

NEWSLETTER: Federation ‘What’s On’ is in the newsletter, and the Federation

Autumn Meeting at County Hall on 16 th October; Cost is £7.50. Details of invitations

received in newsletter.

OCTOBER MEETING: Our Speaker will be Jonathan Casey and his subject

Basket Making. VOT is to be given by Susie Hinsley and tea hostesses Pat and

Jeanette. Competition is ‘A Small Woven Item.

The President then welcomed Maria Pennington who gave a most interesting and

enjoyable talk with lovely photos of jewellery through the ages. She illustrated

various ‘styles’ and stated that the styles from thousands of years ago ‘return’ time

and time again. She was thanked by Hilary Lark.

Competition was won by Sue C; second was Lesley. Refreshments taken and

raffle drawn. Meeting closed 9.30pm.

Centenary Salver. Would you like to help with our entry this year? We need

crafters, bakers, flower arrangers, ideas people in fact just about anyone! The

theme this year is a ‘Day to Remember’. It could be a WI day, a special

birthday, a trip to the seaside etc as long as we can make up a display and

incorporate 5 of the following items:

1 a fresh floral display,

2 three sausage rolls with shortcrust pastry,

3 an item of patchwork,

4 a watercolour painting,

5 a jar of citrus marmalade

6 an item of hand knitting

7 5 fancy biscuits

8 an item of needle felting

9 a photograph

Are you any good at any of these? Do you have a special day in mind?

There is also an individual competition for crafty members: Make a

cushion using any suitable medium. Anyone can enter, see schedule for

details, £2 per entry.

Fundraising Ideas wanted.

We all know that costs are rising and hall costs and speakers are charging

more. Did you know that it now takes the annual subs that we receive (£22.60

each) from 4 or 5 members to pay for one WI evening with a speaker? With

30 members that only covers half the meetings in a year. We therefore need

to raise money from somewhere to cover the other meetings. The garden

party helped thanks to you, but we still need more, preferably from other

people! Do you have any ideas?

It is unfortunate that we had to cancel our proposed Quiz evening, but if

people don’t want to come, we cannot force them. With the numbers booked

we would only have broken even, and once we discovered that we did not

have to pay to cancel the hall, we decided it was not worth the effort.

We are however going ahead with our plan to sell items which our craft group

have been making. These include small knitted and crochet items, soft toys,

Christmas baubles, beaded jewellery and more.

The first sale will be at the crafter’s day in the Community centre on Saturday

21 st October. Please let us know if you are willing to help on the stall for an hour or two.