New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Poringland WI Newsletter May 2024

Happy 104th Birthday

Don’t forget our Birthday Lunch on Wednesday May 15th

Other events to look forward to:

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco.  Next sessions: Friday 10th & 24th May @10am.

Next Walk. Tuesday 21 May. Meet at 11am at The Honingham Buck.  Lunch will be at 1pm at the Buck.  If parking is a problem, try behind the Village Hall opposite.  Please let me know if you will join us for the walk and/or lunch.

Singalong session. Thursday 16 May at 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!

Darts. meet at the Oak on Tuesdays at 2pm. Next date 28 May.

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 29th May 2-3.30pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session. Thursday 30 May at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon. Monday 13 May (Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to join us to help make small items to sell in aid of funds, please contact Joan 493036

Gym Sessions.  Would anyone like to join us at the Gym Group (next to Asda on Hall road)? Speak to Pat or Lesley, who currently have an hour long session each Wednesday morning at 10am.  It’s very friendly, with all ages, shapes and sizes so no need to be shy!

If you’re new and fancy any of these, talk to Lesley or one of the named members and we will arrange  for someone to accompany your or give you a lift.

Happy Birthdays for May to Christine, Liz, Jean G, Susie & Yvonne

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, enjoy a 2 course lunch for £12.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  See board for menus.

National AGM 5 June 2024 at the Royal Albert Hall.

Auditions Day at Norwich Cricket club, Horstead, Monday 17 June 10.30 – 4pm.  5 Speakers plus lunch of Quiche followed by Fresh fruit salad. £20.

Hampton Court Palace Visit.  Friday 21 June £65 includes a 2 hour private tour of house and free access to the Palace gardens.

Watercolour Workshop.  Friday 19 July at Evelyn Suffield House 10am to 3.30pm.  £30 includes materials.  Coffee from 9.30, bring a packed lunch, tea and cake provided.

Design a Card for any occasion.  See board for entry details.  Winning entry to be reproduced and sold for Federation funds.

Back by popular demand: Gliding Days are here again!  At Tibenham Airfield on Friday 10 May and Friday 30 August picnic lunch included.  Winch launch £65 or Aero Tow (goes up to 2000ft) £140.  Open to family and friends.

RSPB Strumpshaw Fen. Friday 14 June 9.45pm – 1pm.  £5 for Guided walk. Entry to reserve £4.50 or free for RSPB members.

Relief printing Workshop Tuesday 9 or Saturday 20 July am or pm either day.  £15 for session coffee provided.

Puddings, Plonk & Pop with the Squeegees, Wed 31 July Coronation Hall, Mundesley 7 – 9.30pm £20.

There will be an event celebrating World Poetry Day on 3rd October.  In preparation, there is a poetry competition.  Are you a wordsmith?  You are invited to write a poem of not more than 24 lines on the theme ‘I had a Dream’.  I am trying but it is difficult not to think of Martin Luther King’s speech!

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS.  Application forms for all these available from Lesley or in your magazine.

A Reminder that our House (or Office or HQ), Evelyn Suffield House, 45 All Saints Green will be closed on the 2 Bank Holidays in May. For new members, the house is open Monday to Thursday 10.30am to 3.30pm and you are welcome to visit, to browse the items for sale in the front office, or to use the ‘facilities’ or just have a rest from shopping, and make yourself a cuppa.


Rockland St Mary and District WI would like to invite your members to a talk by Wally Webb entitled ‘40 years broadcasting with Radio Norfolk ‘on Tuesday 11th June at 7.30pm.  We meet in the Margaret Mack Village Hall Rockland StMary NR14 7EU.  Entrance £4 .
Hempnall WI Invite you to our 5th June meeting To hear Wally Webb’s talk ‘40 years at BBC Radio Norfolk’.  Venue The Mill, Mill Lane, Hempnall, NR15 2LP.  Starting at 7.30pm.  Entrance £3 including light refreshments.

Thurton Ashby & District WI invite you to their Summer Extravaganza on Thursday 6 June at  Fine City Chorus will be there to sing for us and there will be Strawberries and Pimms and a Raffle.  Entrance £5 at Ashby & Thurton Village Hall Ashby Road Thurton.


11TH APRIL 2024 AT 2PM
In the Chair:  Mrs Joan Fountain, President.

The meeting began with the singing of Jerusalem after which the President welcomed visitors: Jenny Baker, Gemma Manson-Bahr, Anita Banks and baby Ruth, and new members Myrtle Baker and Yvonne Payne-Bacon.

NEWS OF MEMBERS:   The President stated that Joan Porter was very ill and a ‘Get Well’ card was signed by those members present to be sent to her.

MINUTES: of the March meeting were read out and, with a small adjustment, were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:
A] Birthday Lunch:   Hilary reminded members to let her have completed menus and the lunch money, at the latest, at the May meeting.

B] Federation Annual Meeting:   Lesley pointed out the Report of this meeting in the Norfolk WI Magazine.

C] Resolution:   Lesley explained to members the result of the voting for National AGM Resolution.  As we had voted in favour of the chosen one – ‘dental Health matters’, we did not need to vote again.

MAY BIRTHDAY MEETING:   The speaker is Sue Sursham and her subject is ‘Antarctica’. Competition is now ‘A Holiday Photo of a Place’.  VOT Judith. Tea hostesses are Jeanette, Pat & Gil.

The President then welcomed Hazel Gillingham who was dressed as, and ‘became’ Millicent Fawcett, the quiet suffragette. She explained that Millicent belonged to the National Union of Suffragettes which was not part of the more militant group led by Emily Pankhurst, but still campaigned for women to have voting rights.   

Minutes continued:

Hazel went on to say that Millicent knew many Liberal MPs who were sympathetic to, and agreed to, women having a good education and to have the suffrage;  in fact, New Zealand was the first to give women the suffrage.  The NUS were more passive and believed to get their aims by negotiation.    Eventually, women did get the vote, but it was after WWI where women’s contribution was realised. Millicent now has a statue in Parliament Square in recognition for her work.  Sue was thanked by Pam Cooper.

AOB  Several members took a bulb catalogue.  Liz reminded members of the Saturday singing groups evening entertainment next weekend.

Competition, words of wisdom to your younger self, was won by Lesley.  Raffle was drawn and Meeting closed at 3.45pm.

Hopefully the weather has now improved and you are getting out into the garden ready for summer.  Have you heard of Companion Planting?  This is to help plants, usually your veg, to grow better, either by deterring bugs and nasties or encouraging the pollinators.  I have often planted French marigolds with my tomatoes, but apparently Calendula are also good with Courgettes.

Other companions are Thyme with Roses, Borage with Strawberries (encourages the bees) and Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthum) with your Beans.  Why not give some of these a go and let us know how you get on.

WI LIFE MAGAZINE. I have heard rumours that some members do not wish to receive the National Magazine, WI Life.  If this is true of you, can you please let me know and I will get your copy redirected to the Office, as they always like to have some spare copies to hand out to enquirers who are interested in joining the WI.

Report on the Poringland WI meeting from May 1924.

On Thursday the members of Poringland Women’s Institute entertained the members of the Framingham Institute in the Parish Hall.  The president gave a hearty welcome to the visitors and read letters apologising for absence from Mrs Birkbeck, Mrs Moxey and Mrs Preedy.  Miss Freer gave an excellent demonstration upon papier maché, which was listened to with much interest.  The successful exhibitors at the recent exhibition were congratulated upon their success, and the summer outing was discussed.  Tea was served by the Tea committee to about 75 members, after which 5 of the Poringland members gave a play, “The Early Primrose Sale” arranged by the secretary, which caused much amusement.  2 new members were enrolled.