New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 3 March 2011


I think we all enjoyed the talk about Mother Julian of Norwich, a renowned mystic who lived in the 14th century, given by Sister Pamela from All Hallows House.

Mother Julian, who was an anchoress, lived in a little dwelling attached to St Julian's Church in Rouen Road. Most of these ladies cells had three windows - one open into the Church so that they could hear Mass, another into an inner room so that her servant could bring in food and clean clothes and take out slops etc. and the third window which was curtained off with black cloth with a white cross on it open onto the roadway. Through this she could look out onto the world and speak to people who came for counselling and help. She became famous in her lifetime. The language of the clerics and elite was Latin and French but her book was written in English, the language of the lower classes. It was called Revelations of Divine Love which she wrote after nearly dying. There is a copy in the British Museum. The Church and her cell were destroyed in the last War but have been rebuilt. People come from all over the world to visit the shrine which is open from dawn to dusk every day.
We had a very successful Jumble Sale and thanks go everyone who helped and/or contributed.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 13 April at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Our speaker will be George Rockingham from the PACT Animal Sanctuary.
They and others have been in the news recently about the high cost of feed and vets costs. I have no doubt we will hear good and sad tales about these mostly abandoned animals.
If you have any queries, Pam Cooper,President on 01508 491674 or Lesley Sanders, Secretary on 01508 492156 will be delighted to hear from you and as always visitors are always welcome.
Shirley Shackshaft