New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 17 September 2020

September's 2020 News Letter

Dear Members,

I am really sorry to have to inform you all that the committee after much debating have had to take the decision recommended by WI head office to cancel Wednesday September 16th meeting (see alternative idea below). We have also decided to cancel October’s meeting and the AGM usually held in November.   Lesley has explained how this years AGM business will have to be dealt with below.
We will follow the government’s guidelines each month before we make any decision on December’s meeting. 
I appreciate how disappointed you must all be at not having the chance to enjoy meeting  all your friends and members for a lovely social evening out and sincerely hope we can meet in December, in the mean time do continue to take care and keep safe.

Warmest regards.


Alternative suggestion for Wednesday 16 September

WALKING is good for you.  If you would like to come for a leisurely stroll, meet by the shelter on the field behind the Community Centre at 3pm.  Exercise is allowed, but if more than 6 come, we will split into smaller groups.  If walking is not possible for you, why not bring your preferred drink and stay and chat socially distanced in the shelter.

 Although we have decided not to hold an Annual Meeting, we still have business that legally must be dealt with: First the Accounts.  We may not have had much expenditure since March but Hilary has to prepare the Annual Accounts and these will be audited and circulated to you all next month, along with the Annual Report, so that you can check, query and approve them.


Secondly the committee should be re-elected, but as they are all prepared to continue, we are allowed to extend their term of office until we are able to meet in person.  However we can co-opt new committee members, so if you would like to join us, I shall be sending a nomination form next month.


Thirdly the President, as this office should be voted on by you the members, this will not change this year as Pam is happy to continue, and hopefully head up our delayed centenary celebrations in 2021.


Here’s hoping to see some  of you on Wednesday.
