New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 17 December 2020


December Newsletter 2020


We wish you all

a Happy Christmas

and a Healthy New Year


May we all meet together again very soon.

Dear All. 

The second spike we feared is sadly happening, and of course our priority is to keep members safe so it might be a few months into next year before we can consider better news of any get togethers.  Keep positive and look forward with optimism to us all being back to meetings soon.  We have a very good programme ready for 2021, however I sadly think we will be starting the year cancelling the first few speakers.

2021 Events for you to look forward to, organised by the Nook

  1. 3rd/4th July. Open gardens at Clifton House, Shotesham.
  2. Dereham brass band. October date TBC
  3. A sunflower 🌻 Competition 
  4. Scarecrow  Competition

Maybe we could think about the sunflower and scarecrow Competition.

 Sending my best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year. Please stay safe, healthy, and happy and hopefully we will be able to meet each other at a WI meeting soon.


Birthdays this month

Happy Birthday to Pam Lack, Ann Webster and Gail Mays


Christmas Delivery

You will shortly (or may have already) receive a visit from one of our Committee members.  We will be delivering a little bag of goodies.  Among other things, these include:-

·         The programme for 2021, fingers crossed that we shall be able to enjoy some of the speakers. 

·         Your membership booklet, with your membership card for 2021.  You will remain a member until April when the next year’s subscriptions will become due.  I hope you can take advantage of some of the vouchers.

·         An acorn!  Before I heard of the Plant a Tree for the Queen’s 70th Anniversary, I had already collected some of the bountiful supply of acorns that the trees have dropped this year. 
The plan is for each of you to plant your acorn in a pot of soil or compost and then bring all the ones that have grown  to a meeting next autumn to see whose has grown the tallest.  I will then collect them and donate them to either our local Tree Warden or to Chris Skinner of High Ash farm for planting.  Unless of course you have a garden big enough to grow an Oak tree.

·         A Raffle ticket to be drawn at Christmas, there are 3 prizes to be won.

Greetings from the Federation Board of Trustees.  Have you been enjoying the Federation zooms as well as the Denman ones?  Margaret did a free one where she showed us how to make a christmas tree decorated card using tea bag folding.  No need to save your old teabags!


Winter  by William Shakeshpeare

When icicles hang by the wall,

And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,

And Tom bears logs into the hall,

And milk comes frozen home in pail,

When blood is lipped, and ways be foul

Then nightly sings the staring owl,

To who,

To whit; to who, a merry note

While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.

When all around the wind doth blow,

And coughing drowns the parson’s saw,

And birds sit brooding in the snow,

And Marion’s nose is red and raw,

When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl

Then nightly sings the staring owl,

To who

To whit, to who a merry note,

Wile greasy Joan doth keel the pot.


Who remembers when we had proper winters -  the milk on the doorstep froze in the bottle and the blue tits pecked the foil caps? 

A Seasonal Quiz this month – which Christmas Carols do these lines come from?

1         Thee whom heaven and earth adore

2         Wings your flight o’er all the earth

3         Bring me pine logs hither

4         When we had gone astray

5         We are your neighbours children...

6         For to do us sinners good.

7         I love thee lord Jesus

8         And still their heavenly music floats

9         With the poor and mean and lowly

10     Is born of David’s line


Answers to last month’s puzzles. 


64 SOAC = Squares on a chessboard.

12 DOC = Days of  Christmas

3CITF = Coins in the fountain

88=TFL = Two Fat Ladies

10GBHOTW = Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall

3WM = Wise Men

90DIARA = Degrees in a Right Angle

TTT= 9 = Three times three

1 PIAPT = Partridge in a Pear Tree

57 HV = Heinz Varieties

5 GR = Gold Rings

29DIFIALY = Days in February in a Leap Year

16 OIAP = Ounces in a Pound

7 DS = Deadly Sins

39 = S  Steps

2 GOV = Gentlemen of Verona

11 LAL = Lords a Leaping

TTT=100 = Ten Times Ten

13= BD = Bakers Dozen

60 MIAH = Minutes in an hour