New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Monday, 4 October 2021

Poringland Newsletter September 2021


Dear all

Thank you all for coming to Dunston Hall on August 18th to celebrate Poringland’s 100+ birthday, I do hope you all enjoyed yourself as much as I did.  Lovely to see some members dancing to the excellent Jazz Quartet Lesley had arranged. 

This will be my last newsletter I write, if Covid does not change our plans we will be going to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on September 10th for one month to visit our son, this will be a magical experience as we will be meeting our new daughter-in-law Aichurok in person and 6 month old granddaughter Olivia.

After much consideration I have decided to step down from the committee.


I Sincerely thank every member for your help and support that has always been available to me when required and I will step down with lots of lovely memories.  I became President in 2010 with one year off in 2013 and I feel I have been privileged to stay this long, but the time has come for someone with new ideas to take you all forward.  Please consider going on to the Committee, more members on it would be great and new ideas and help would be gratefully appreciated and after 15 years on the committee I can prove it can be a very worthwhile experience

September’s meeting.

At last we are all be able to be back together again in the community centre.  With a talk from our old friend Cindy Brookes and after the talk Cindy will pass a multiple choice answer sheet to everyone to see how many points we would have scored if we had applied to become a British Citizens.

Once again many thanks for all your support and kindness and everyone’s eagerness to help out whenever I have asked for it.

Take care and I will see everyone at the AGM in November.



What we did in August (apart from our celebrations)

We held darts evenings and 10pin bowling sessions, and on11th August, members met under the tree at the front of the Community Centre.  It was one of the warmer days so we just had a relaxing time instead of walking.  We also had our monthly tea afternoon when 10 members had another good old natter over a cuppa in the Royal Oak.

Local Forthcoming events

·         Darts evenings at the Oak 7.30pm first and third Tuesdays, next meeting 21 September, all welcome.

·         Gym restarts on Thursday afternoon 9 September at Chandler road new members welcome.

·         Tuesday 21st September walk and lunch – meet at 11am at Aldiss Farm shop, Bergate Lane.  Names to Lesley please

·         Singalong session Thursday morning 16 September  10.30am at the home of Pam Lack Hillcrest on the Bungay road.  Please let Pam or Lesley know if you would like to attend.

·         Next tea/coffee afternoon at the Oak, Wednesday 29 September 2pm.

Macmillan Coffee Event.  Friday 24th September in the Poringland Oak from 12noon. Contribution of cake, scones savouries etc welcomed. Contact Zelia on01508 550488 or 07955 834106.

Birthdays for September

Happy Birthday to Veronica and Me!

Jumble Sale – Saturday 23rd October 10 -12am.

Please bring all your clear out items, clothes, bricabrac, books  tombola etc.  Please sign up on the board to help on the day and bring any tombola items to the October meeting. 

Federation Events

·         Calendar and Diary orders, please let Hilary know if you would like either at September meeting. National Diaries £5.50, Calendar £5.

·         500 Club entries to be in by 31 October.  £5 per share to be entered into Monthly prize draw.

·         Another Jigsaw race Monday 12 November 12 -3.30.  £8pp, includes lunch of a simple hot meal and dessert, served at 12.15pm.  Single entries  up to teams of 4.

·         Resolution Meeting Tuesday 23 November Mattishall Village Hall.  10am -12.30 £6.  Discussion of shortlisted resolutions to go to Annual General Meeting in Liverpool on 11June 2022

·         Nosh and Natter – now booking lunches for 6 November £12 (Burgundy Chicken followed by sticky toffee pud, and 3 December £15 (full Christmas dinner). - Numbers restricted so we may have to ballot.

For further information check noticeboard, speak to Lesley or email Helen at the office on

Our own ‘Jazz Band’ playing at our Centenary+1  Celebrations.

During lockdowns, I have been reading the old WI minute books, refurbishing where pages had been stuck in with sellotape, and typing them up.  I found that in the early days they often held social evenings with music by the ‘Howe Jazz Band’.  I chose a jazz band to entertain us at our centenary in memory of those early days.  They even played some of the tunes that were on the programme all those years ago.

You will probably be relieved that I didn’t ask you to do a party piece or play musical chairs or other silly games, which were also part of the proceedings in the 1920s.


Last month we visited the Harnser wood at Elsing, where a new plaque was installed, for a belated 20th Anniversary rededication.  Mr Doubleday, a local arborealist is forming a ‘friends of the wood’ and he gave us a talk about trees and how a wood needs to be maintained rather than just left to its own devices.  He gave this quotation:

‘Those who planteth trees are servants of God.

They provide a kindness for many generations and faces that they have not seen shall Bless them.

With that in mind, please bring any little oak trees that you have grown to the next meeting so that we can measure the tallest, and I will arrange to take some to High Ash Farm and some to our Tree warden for planting.

Rhyme Time quiz.  Answers – simple eh?

1a           what an elephant has.         Trunk

1b           Sailors sleep on one.            Bunk

2a           A Salmon                               A Fish

2b           A Bowl                                  A Dish

3a           A ruler                                A King

3b           A Gold band                       A Ring

4a           The head of a City Council Mayor

4b           A strata of rock.                   Layer

5a           a digit                                 Finger

5b           to hang around                Linger

6a           Part of the hands            Palms

6b           a book of the Bible         Psalms

7a           Hole in rock                 Cave

7b           Rescue                          Save

8a           Elizabeth 1 was ?        a Virgin

8b           A fish                            Sturgeon

9a           Classical composer     Schumann

9b           We are all                     Human

10a         a nomad                       Rover

10b         an English Port            Dover

11a         Fat school boy           Billy Bunter

11b         Prowling lion               Fierce Hunter

12a         Hot weather cooler     electric Fan

12b         Comic book character  Desperate Dan