New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Poringland WI Newsletter March 2022

Dear All,
On 15th February, the walking group went to Raveningham Gardens to see the snowdrops.  As Richard and Lesley picked me up, it started to rain, the closer we got to the gardens, the heavier it felt.  However we were all well clothed and shod, so off we set. First we visited the greenhouses and viewed all the plants and cuttings being raised for the summer bedding.

Whilst we were in the greenhouse, a very irate gardener appeared wielding a sorry looking fork, and muttering £70 this cost.  No one questioned how the tines had broken from the handle, we went on our way to view the snowdrops.  The next hour or so was spent walking around the gardens, viewing the wonderful drifts of snowdrops and visiting the church.  Eventually arriving back at the cars very bedraggled.  However we went off to the Chedgrave White Horse for a well deserved lunch, or so we thought.
As Pam had been unable to attend the last few meetings and will not be at the next one, we presented her with a card of thanks and an orchid in recognition of her 11 years as our President.
I have since learnt that Lady Priscilla Bacon, the mother of the present incumbent at the hall, was responsible for introducing the snowdrops to the garden.  These gardens may be worth a visit in the summer.  The next walk will be on Tuesday 29th March.  Venue is as yet to be decided.  Suggestions are always welcome.

Local Events

Next Walk Tuesday 29 March meet at Rockland Staithe car park at 11 am.  Lunch at Green Pastures, names to Lesley (492155) for lunch booking please.
The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 30th March 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich road opposite the Barracks.
Singalong session Thursday 10.15am on 31st March at the home of Pam Lack – Hillcrest,Bungay road.  .  
Scrabble day – at Joan’s 74 Poringland rd Stoke, Thursday 24 March, 10am – 3pm drinks provided, bring a picnic lunch.  Please let Joan know if you will be attending, she has space for 12 players. Tel 493036
Pottery Painting session, We enjoyed the last session so another is to be arranged for later in March or early April.
Birthdays for March:  
Happy Birthday to Sue France and Jean Waters

Federation Events

Celebratory Fun Day at New Buckenham Village Hall Friday 13 May 2022 10.30 to 3.30pm, £20 includes a light lunch (see form for choices)  Morning Simon White of Peter Beales Roses a Hanging Basket workshop.  basket kit provided for £8.50 payable on the day.  Afternoon cookery demonstration by Carol and Heather  – ‘The Baking and Sharing Duo’.  Food for a picnic or celebration – tasting allowed.
Writing Competition – ‘If I had Wings’.  A Short story in 650 words - what would you do if you had wings?  See poster for more details
Jigsaw Race with supper – Monday 23 May 5-8.30pm.  £8 pp.  Supper choices on form.
Nosh and Natter Celebratory Lunch Monday 30 May at HQ on All Saints Green.  £12 for 2 course lunch of sticky chicken followed by pavlova.
A Trip through France with Lunch – Bawdeswell Village Hall Friday 17 June 12 -3.30pm £20 Speaker Sue Beavan on ‘La Route des Grandes Alpes’ from Lake Geneva to the Med.  Light lunch provided – choices on the form.

Community Centre Cinema

Friday 11 March- King Richard starring Will Smith
Described as a biography/drama/sport!
Friday 8 April SPENCER (12A)
Starring Kristen Stewart, Timothy Spall, Jack Nielsen
£5 inc tea/coffee, doors open 6.45pm, please wear a mask until seated.
For more information call Maureen on 01508 494358


In the Chair:  Mrs Joan Fountain, President.

APOLOGIES:  Liz, Carol C, Pam C, Veronica, Jeanette. Jean G, Sue F, Shirley, Carol H, Pauline, Anne, Pat, Diana.
VISITORS:  The President welcomed Gillian as a visitor.
NEWS OF  MEMBERS:  Shirley Gray’s husband has died and the members expressed their sympathy for  Shirley.   Jean Gowing was recovering from her operation.   Liz Bussey was unwell.
Minutes continued
BIRTHDAY POSIES:  presented to Sue Cranmer.   As Carol Cole was absent a suitable card would be sent to her.

MINUTES:  of January Meeting approved and signed.
Matters Arising:
A] Federation Annual Meeting:  Judith Finn is our delegate for this meeting.
B] Presentation:  Lesley explained it was usual to make a presentation to the outgoing
President, and stated that Pam Cooper had been our President for 10 years. As Pam had been unable to attend since October, a card was circulated for members to sign, and, together with an orchid, would be presented to Pam after the next walk.

MAGAZINE AND CORRESPONDENCE:    The magazine had been distributed to members.    Lesley stated that proposed events were on the notice board.

MARCH MEETING:   The speaker is Hazel Gillingham who will talk about Mary Seacole a nurse in the Crimea War.   VOT Jean Waters.  Competition – Pisces – the fish.   Tea Ladies – Marietta  and a volunteer.

A] Birthday Dinner:  As it is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee it is suggested we celebrate this at our dinner. 
    The suggested venue for our dinner is the College, but if any member has any other venue, to let the
    committee know by 25th February.
B] Scrabble:  If any members would like to play scrabble, Joan stated she would be prepared to hold this
    at her home and the suggested date is 24th February morning.
C] Car Boot Sale:  The Poringland Parish Council are organising a Car Boot Sale and members were
    asked if theyI would like to join in as a fundraiser.    The members voted agreement to this.    Date to be
D] CIO:   Lesley explained that the Trustees of Federation would be liable if anything untoward happened
    and it was proposed to rectify this by the Federation becoming incorporate. Members voted agreement
    to this and Judith would vote our agreement at the Federation  Annual Meeting. 

The President then welcomed Juliet Webster who talked about her great –aunts’ journey around the border of Norfolk in 1912 in a horse-drawn wagon, which was, in fact, an old cinema hall on wheels. One of her aunts had written a diary every day and made it into a ballad of their adventures, which was the basis of Juliet’s talk. VOT was given by Sue Hinsley.

Refreshments were taken and the raffle drawn. Competition was won by Mary Stancer, second Sue Cranmer.


Thank you all sincerely for the lovely orchid Joan and Lesley presented to me, on behalf of Poringland WI, at our lunch after the WI walk in February.  Orchids are my favourite plants and I am hopeful I will be able to keep it flowering every 6/12 months like many other orchids I have.
Unfortunately I am unable to meet back with you all at present due to another commitment that same evening.
Warmest wishes.

New year

Everyone has now received their membership card for 2022, but your subscription will be due in April.  Last year we allowed a £10 discount on our part of the fee but the full subscription remains the same at £44.  You may think £44 is rather a lot of money, and the price has certainly gone up over the years, but how does that compare with the price 50 year ago?  
When I joined in 1972, the annual subs cost 10/- (50p), However that was only our WI portion of the subs, we had to raise a further £1 per head for Federation and National by a collection or fundraising.  We also each had to pay individually for our magazines and the refreshments at meetings cost 5p per month (over 50p per year).  So today’s subs of £44 (which includes payments to National/Federation, refreshments and magazines etc) is equivalent to ≈ £2 in 1972 (an increase x22).  
By how many times has the cost of other things increased since 1972?  In January 72 members saw Carousel at the Theatre Royal for 50p, this year’s production of The Sound of Music cost about £23 (50px46).  The Christmas dinner in 1971 cost £1 per person, this year’s birthday dinner will cost £20 (x20).
In 72, meeting hall hire cost 25p, today this is £35 (x140) wow!  Speakers cost £1.25 to £2.  Today it is mostly between £50 and £70 (x35), These 2 costs have to be met from the subs so as you can see quite an increase compared to the increase in what you are expected to pay.  We are pleased to say that we are offering a discount of £4 this year, and payment is due to Hilary at the April meeting, thank you.