New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Poringland WI Newsletter July 2023


Hello everyone, I am writing this at midsummer and feeling rather hot, I

hope July’s weather is just right for you, and we have had a little more

rain for the gardens.

Our Forthcoming Events

Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am Friday 14 July and 28 July.

Craft group Next session 2.30pm on Monday 24 July at 74 Poringland Rd

SHX (opposite the penguin/pylons) Parking in Joan’s or her neighbour’s drive

for 4 or 5 cars. Bring along your current project or we can find you something

to make. Please confirm attendance with Joan F on 493036.

Next Walk possibly Tuesday 15 August. TBA at 11am with Lunch 1pm at

nearby venue. details will be in August Newsletter for Members who would like

to join for the walk and/or lunch. Will definitely be more local than the June

walk! See how that went on page 3.

Darts – we usually meet at the Oak on 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday afternoon. Next

home matches 1 August against Thurton A Team and 8 th against Surlingham.

Both in the Oak at 7pm.

Scrabble session next one has been booked for Friday 21 July at the

Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 26 July 2pm at the Octagon

Barn on the Norwich Road. Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Singalong Next session TBA - usually Thursday 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.

Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!

GYM Sessions every Thursday afternoon in term time, another woman who

would like to stay fit, required to join the usual mob. Exercises tailored to your

needs/health/fitness. Speak to Lesley if you are interested.


Ditchingham WI invite you to their Birthday party on Wednesday 9 th August

at 2pm in their village hall, for a talk from Lynton Johnson on Flower arranging

with summer flowers cost £4 including buffet

Happy Birthday for July to

Shirley and Zelia

Federation Events

Lots to choose from whatever your interests:

Bridge Taster day Wed 19 July 10 – 3.30pm £10. bring a packed lunch.

Duxford Autumn Quilt Festival Friday 1 st September. Displays, supplies for

sale, demonstrations. Cost £25 under 60, £24 over 60. Or £19 coach fare

only, if you wish to visit the Duxford Imperial Museum.

CRAFT DAY at New Buckenham on Friday 15 September 10am – 3.30pm

£30 including light lunch of jacket potato followed by fruit crumble or fruit salad.

Crafts include: Plastic canvas treasure box, rag rugging, Parchment craft,

decorated candle and matching box, mini-envelope album/journal.

Strictly Fit Steps with light afternoon tea. At Thompson Village Hall IP24

1PY. Friday 22 September 10.30 – 2pm. Doors open 10am for tea/coffee

cost £15. A ballroom and latin dance fitness class that is strictly for fun no

partner needed.

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday starting from 1 st Sept. 2 course lunch for

£12. Single applicants only as spaces are limited. The first menu is warm

chicken and bacon salad with new potatoes followed by sticky toffee pudding.

Veggie option available. See board for further menus.

And finally a competition for any card makers – Design a Christmas card

for the Norfolk WI. £2 per entry see board for further details. Winning card will

be reproduced and sold on behalf of the Federation. Entries in by 1 st August.

See Notice Board or contact Lesley for more details of all these events.




In the Chair: Mrs Joan Fountain, President

The President welcomed everyone to the meeting and then introduced our speaker,

Mr Mark Johnstone who gave a most interesting talk on 'Hear for Norfolk', an

explanation of how deafness can affect the life not only for deaf persons but for

those around them. ‘Hear for Norfolk’ is a charity that helps by providing hearing

tests; advice as to the appropriate hearing aids; and the aids. He also pointed out

that we live in a 'noisy world' which affects the ears and which could cause deafness

and thus prevent communication and interaction between people.

He was thanked by Catherine Biggs, followed by a break for refreshments.

The President then continued with the Meeting see next page:

NEWS OF MEMBERS: Hilary was now recovering from her operation; Mary,

unfortunately, has Covid; Jean W was still unwell. The members wished them well.

BIRTHDAY POSIES: were given out to those members who had a birthday in May

and June.

MINUTES OF APRIL MEETING: were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

a] Dinner: Those that attended said they had enjoyed the evening, but thought it

was time to change the venue for 2024.

b] FAM Meeting: Joan gave a report on the Norfolk Federation Meeting. She

said 5 Trustees had retired and new Trustees have been appointed. She informed

the meeting that the morning speaker was Trading Standards Officer Stephen

Maunder who updated us on scams and how to avoid being caught out. The

afternoon speaker was Esme Young of the BBC Sewing Bee Programme, who told

us of her unusual life, and Fashion business called Swanky Modes.

c] National AGM: Lesley reported that the Resolution regarding river water was

passed even though a speaker gave very good reasons against it: It was pointed

out that as WIs had already voted for the Resolution, in most cases their vote could

not be changed. She did say that the 2024 AGM will be held in London.

MAGAZINE AND FEDERATION INFORMATION: magazine had been distributed

and all information was on the noticeboard and in the Newsletter.

JULY MEETING: Frances Mobbs will be giving a Cookery Demonstration and VOT

will be given by Gail Mays. Competition is '6 homemade biscuits (not cakes) and

the tea hostesses Mary Stancer & Linda Daniels.


a] Walk: will be on 20th June at Winterton names were taken.

b] Theatre Royal: Lesley stated that the comedy 'Pride and Prejudice (Austen

Style!') was on and tickets were being offered at £25.00 for any part of the theatre.

Several members would like to attend, Lesley will purchase tickets for next

Wednesday performance.

Competition was won by Sue Cranmer and the raffle drawn. Meeting closed at



Our June Walk at Winterton, proved that we cannot always be lucky with the

weather. We chose the one wet day this week, and did we get WET ! The rain

came on as we were walking north along the beach. A mild wind from the south

ensured that we got soaked down our backs and trousers. When we had enough of

the beach, we turned to walk back through the dunes – a lovely area normally – and

got wet down our fronts. Fortunately some of us had the forethought to take spare

trousers, but someone had to sit on a towel.

Those on the short walk had time for a coffee in the shelter, while we hardy few saw

lots of seals eyeing us from the water, little terns flitting up the beach, and heard

larks serenading us over the dunes. We were certainly ready for our lunch.

A few hints and info on scams from Stephen Maunder of Trading Standards.

Scams could be Online, telephone, postal and they could be about:

Hello Fresh • Parcels • Loft Insulation • Competitions 

• Amazon • Bank Security • TV Licensing • Investments

How to spot scam messages or calls


Is the message claiming to be from someone official? For example, your bank,

doctor, a solicitor, or a government department. 

Criminals often pretend to be important people or organisations to trick you into

doing what they want 

• Urgency 

Are you told you have a limited time to respond (such as 'within 24 hours' or


Criminals often threaten you with fines or other negative consequences 

• Emotion 

Does the message make you panic, fearful, hopeful or curious?  

Criminals often use threatening language, make false claims of support, or tease

you into wanting to find out more 

• Scarcity 

Is the message offering something in short supply, like concert tickets, money or a

cure for medical conditions? 

Fear of missing out on a good deal or opportunity can make you respond quickly  

• Current Events 

Are you expecting to see a message like this? Criminals often exploit current

news stories, big events or specific times of year (like tax reporting) to make their

scam seem more relevant to you.


Never deal with doorstep cold callers if they are offering for


• Roofs • Trees & Gardens • Driveways • Cleaning & Household Products • Solar

Panels • Garden Furniture

Check out the Norfolk Trusted Trader Scheme to be sure of getting

what you pay for.

Look on the Norfolk County Council website.

Phone Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133