New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Poringland WI Newsletter April 2024


Time to celebrate again with our Birthday Lunch on May 15th. Be sure to give Hilary your menu choice and payment asap. The meal will be subsidised. So the cost to you is £15 for 2 courses or £20 for 3 courses.

Events to look forward to

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco.

Next sessions: Friday 12th and 26th April @10am. 

Next Walk.

Tuesday 16 April. Meet at 11am at St Mary’s church Shotesham (church off the Saxlingham road, by the ruined St Margaret’s church, not the one by the War memorial).  Lunch will be at 1pm at the Rural Kitchen, High Green Brooke. please let me know if you would like to join us for the walk and/or lunch.

Singalong session.

Thursday 18 April at 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!


Meet at the Oak on Tuesdays at 2pm. Next date 23rd April.

Tea/coffee pm

Wednesday 24th April 2-3.30pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session.

Thursday 30 May at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon.

Monday 13 May (Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to join us to help make small items to sell in aid of funds, please contact Joan 493036

Gym Sessions.

Would anyone like to join us at the Gym Group (next to Asda on Hall road).  Speak to Pat or Lesley, who currently have an hour long session each Wednesday morning at 10am.  It’s very friendly, with all ages, shapes and sizes so no need to be shy!

Happy Birthday for April to Joan Fountain


Subs are now due, £48.  Cheques to Hilary please

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, enjoy a 2 course lunch for £12.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  See board for menus.

Edible Hanging Basket Workshop. New Buckenham Village Hall Tuesday

30 April 12 – 4.30pm.  Lunch of ‘Build your own ploughman’s’! Dessert Apple crumble & Custard.  Cost £30 includes hanging basket kit - compost & plants.

Lunch with Giggly Pigs! Mon 20 May 12 – 4pm – a Bad Essex girl turned good, from prison to the pig farm.  Norfolk Cricket Club Horsford £30 includes lunch of pasta bake – see flyer.

Murder Mystery Evening with Ploughman’s supper Wed 15 May 6.30 – 9pm at North Wootton V Hall.  £18pp.  Individual or group applications.

National AGM 5 June 2024 at the Royal Albert Hall

Auditions Day at Norwich Cricket club, Horstead, Monday 17 June 10.30 – 4pm.  5 Speakers plus lunch of Quiche followed by Fresh fruit salad. £20.

Hampton Court Palace Visit.  Friday 21 June £65 includes a 2 hour private tour of house and free access to the Palace gardens

Watercolour Workshop.  Friday 19 July at Evelyn Suffield House 10am to 3.30pm.  £30 includes materials.  Coffee from 9.30, bring a packed lunch, tea and cake provided.

Design a Card for any occasion.  See board for entry details.  Winning entry to be reproduced and sold for Federation funds.

Back by popular demand:  Gliding Days are here again!  At Tibenham Airfield on Friday 10 May and Friday 30 August picnic lunch included.  Winch launch £65 or Aero Tow (goes up to 2000ft) £140.  Open to family and friends.

RSPB Strumpshaw Fen, Friday 14 June 9.45pm – 1pm.  £5 for Guided walk. Entry to reserve £4.50 or free for RSPB members.

Relief printing Workshop Tuesday 9 or Saturday 20 July am or pm either day.  £15 for session coffee provided.

Puddings, Plonk & Pop with the Squeegees, Wed 31 July Coronation Hall, Mundesley 7 – 9.30pm £20

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS.  Application forms for all these available from Lesley or in your magazine.


2 Competitions to enter

Creative Writing Competition 2024.  A piece of writing with the title ‘Behind the Curtain(s)’.  See details on the flyer if you are interested.

Rose Bowl Competition 2024.  ‘Have you got the Midas Touch?’  The Federation will provide you with a virtual £20.  What imaginative or unusual ways would you fundraise to increase your £20 and benefit the members.



Ditchingham WI invite you to their meeting on Wed 8 May @ 2pm to hear Jayne Hogger with Memoirs of a Bluebell Girl.  £5 inc Cheese & Wine.


At the Federation Annual Meeting in March, we had a talk by Stephen Maunder of the Norfolk Trading Standards about scams and keeping yourself safe on line.

This one is a phishing scam that was reported back in November and mainly aimed at businesses, but may appear, if you have a WI Facebook page or, indeed, it may appear on your personal Facebook page. 

Below are the messages, (but with the hyperlinks removed so you can't click them by accident!)  If you see one, the advice is: PLEASE DON'T REACT TO THEM OR CLICK THE LINKS IN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGES.

 If you need any help or advice, contact us via the Federation Facebook or the Digital Team (

 This is what the Scam Message may look like.......

Guest 4311
Important Notification:
Your Facebook page is scheduled for permanent deletion due to a post that has infringed upon our trademark rights. We have reached this decision after a thorough review and in accordance with our intellectual property protection policies.
If you believe this to be a misunderstanding, we kindly request you to file a complaint seeking the reinstatement of your page prior to its removal from Facebook.
Request for Review: {{****}
We understand that this situation may impact your ongoing business operations. However, please be informed that if we do not receive a complaint from you, our decision will be final.
Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Should you have any inquiries or apprehensions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Facebook Support Team

This and other scams are proliferating, so do be careful if you are not sure of any emails it is safest to delete them.  Its not just on line, your bank will never ask for passwords or other information on the phone or send a recorded message about money going out of your account.  Also don’t forget to be careful of opening your door to a stranger.  Lock any other doors and put the chain on if you must answer.  But it is your property and your choice whether to answer or not.  So you are within your rights to ignore them!

I know we have said all this before, but it is better to be safe, and don’t forget scams and dodgy workmen are THIEVES out to get your hard-earned cash.


Oh to be in England now that April’s here,

And whoever wakes in England

Sees, some morning, unaware,

That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf

Round the elm tree bole are in tiny leaf

While the chaffinch sings on the Orchard bough

In England – Now!

                                   Robert Browning

Don’t forget St George’s Day Tuesday 23 April.  Hang out the England flag, sing ‘Jerusalem’ or ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ if you want.  If the Scots, Irish and Welsh can be proud of their flag, why can’t we?  It’s not just for football fans!