New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

 Poringland WI Newsletter August 2024

Summer is I cumin’ in, loudly sing cuckoo.

Summer is here at last, so don’t let’s moan about the heat, remember all that rain?  Enjoy it while it lasts, cos sure as anything we are now heading for Autumn!  In the meantime what have we to offer?

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco.  Friday 9 & 23 August @10am.  

Next Walk: Tuesday 17 September TBA

Singalong session on Thursday TBA at 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available – ask Lesley.

Darts – Big darts event at Hethersett Sports and Social Club on Tuesday 24 September.

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 28 August 2-3.30pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session Thursday 15 August at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. 

Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon Monday 13 August  (Second Monday) at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  If you would like to join us to help make small items to sell in aid of funds, please contact Joan 493036.  

First craft sale at Brooke House on Saturday 10 August 2 – 5pm

Gym Sessions.  Gym Group (next to Asda on Hall road).  Currently we have an hour long session each Wednesday morning at 9am.  

If you’re new and fancy any of these, talk to Lesley or the named member and we will arrange for someone to accompany you or give you a lift.

Happy Birthdays for August to

Nina, Judith and Joan Porter.

Hurrah the cinema is coming back

Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre


Comedy/RomanceStars Michael Caine & Glenda Jackson

Tickets £5 on the door (includes tea or coffee)

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm


You are invited to Ditchingham WI’s 106th Birthday Party on Wednesday 14th August at 2pm in their Village Hall.  Entertainment by the Rogue Shanty Chorus.  Entry £5 includes refreshments.

Brooke WI would like to invite you to our meeting on 12th September 2024, 7.30 at Brooke Village Hall, Norwich Road, Brooke, NR15 1AB

Our speaker will be the Chief Constable of Norfolk, Paul Sandford.

Entry is free .We  will be serving tea and cake and holding a raffle.

And finally for you chocoholics!

Loddon & District WI would like invite you and to our open meeting on Wednesday 18th September at St Johns Lecture Hall, George Lane, Loddon. 

James & Harris of Beccles will be coming along to tell us all about chocolate making. There will be an opportunity to taste chocolate from different regions to compare them and a stall to buy some of their chocolate at a reduced rate. 

Please arrive at 7.15pm for a 7.30 start, there is no charge and refreshments will be provided.   There is plenty of free parking at the car park on Church Plain which is a 2 minute walk away. 

Federation Events

Our House/the office/Evelyn Suffield House 

is closed for the whole of August, although the staff will still be working, and various events are taking place.  

Here is a look ahead to the Autumn activities for you

LADIES THAT LUNCH in Our House, 45 All Saints Green. on first Friday, enjoy a 2 course lunch for £12.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  See board for menus.  Next date is 6 September.

Bridge Day at our House on Wednesday 18 September 10am for 10.30 start to 3.30pm £15.   Bring a packed lunch, refreshments provided.

Cambridge Botanic Gardens Wednesday 25 Sept £35.  Includes talk and 90 min tour of gardens.  Pick up at Thickthorn.

Poems, prosecco and Afternoon Tea.  Thursday 3 October 1-4pm.  At Our House £18.  To celebrate National Poetry Day.  Hear poems/share poems.  Results of Poetry competition (I had a Dream).

Does anyone fancy joining the mad trio of Pat, Jeannette and Lesley for a go at tubing.  Come on you only live once!  

Tubing, Coffee and Cake.  Norfolk Snowsports Club Trowse.  Thursday 10 October 10 – 12pm.  £25, observers £5.  Includes refreshments in the club’s Alpine Bar.  The thrill of whizzing down the slope, no experience necessary!

2 Day Air Dry Clay Workshop.  Saturday 19 October (clay work) and Saturday 2 October 9 (for finishing item).  Each day choose from 10am – 1pm or 1.30 – 4.30pm. £35.

Canasta Day at our house, All Saint’s Green.  Thursday 31 October 10 - 3.30pm £15.  Bring a packed lunch, drinks provided

NEC Birmingham Craft Show. Friday 1 November.  £40.  The Creative Craft and Stitch Show & Simply Christmas plus Cake and Bake International Shows.

Icing for Christmas at Our House on Thursday 14 November 9.30 – 3.30pm.  Tea/coffee and cake available, but bring a packed lunch.  £25.  Basic techniques using Royal and Fondant Icing

Preloved Jigsaw and Games Sale Saturday 23 November at Our House 10 – 3pm.  Donate your pre-loved jigsaws or games for someone else to love.

Festive Craft Fair at our house Saturday 30 November.  We have booked a stall, so donations of home made craft items welcome for us to sell.

Autumn Federation Meetings choice of Hethersett Village hall, Back Lane, Fri 18 Oct 2-5pm or Lingwood village Hall Station Rd, Tues 29 Oct 10 – 1pm. Tickets £8.  Meet the Alpacas, hear all about them, and learn more about the Federation, visit committee stalls and get heads up about planned events for 2025.

SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS of all Events.  Application forms available from Lesley or in your magazine.




In the Chair:  Mrs Joan Fountain, President.

The President welcomed Naomi as a visitor.

APOLOGIES:    Jean G; Shirley G; Jeanette; Mary; Susie; Marietta.

NEWS OF MEMBERS:  Mary Stancer is at home but still ill.  Jean Gowing has had a heart attack and is in James Padgett.  The members wished her well.

BIRTHDAY POSIES:   A birthday posy was presented to Zelia.  As Shirley was not able to attend, a birthday posy will be given to her at next meeting.

MINUTES:   Approved and signed.

MAGAZINE :  distributed to members

CORRESPONDENCE:  News and notice of forthcoming events in the newsletter.

SEPTEMBER MEETING:  Our speaker will be Peter Lawrence with his talk ‘A Policeman’s Lot’.   VOT is Judith Finn and the competition is a poem  ‘A Policeman’s Lot’.   Tea Ladies – Judith and Gail.


A] Garden Party:   Members were reminded that there is no meeting in August but we have a Garden Party on Thursday 8th August.  Pam Lack has offered her garden for this event, members will be required to help provide chairs; set out refreshments; etc.  A board was circulated for help required.

B] Outings:    Any suggestions for outings wanted.

C] Denman College: Lesley said, although we do not have the college any more, we now have the Learning Hub on computer funded by the sale of the College with Zoom talks and workshops etc.  which are free to members.  Ask Lesley if you wish to join.

D] Craft:  On 10th August we will have a stall at a craft sale at Brooke House.  If any members have craft items to add to the craft group’s collection we would be pleased to receive them.   We also hope to sell items at a craft event at Hempnall on 16th November and in the WI House on Nov 30th.

The President then welcomed Cheryl Cade, a qualified Cheese Sommelier, who proceeded tobetween  get members to blindfold taste two articles.  She explained the difference seeing, smelling’ tasting, etc and how we ‘think different’.     She also gave recipes using cheese and made the members laugh as all the recipes were ‘alcohol flavoured’!!    She was thanked by Joan Porter.

Refreshments taken and raffle drawn.    closed 3.55pm.


May every sunrise hold more promise 

and every sunset hold more peace