New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

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Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Newsletter May 2020

Remember this lovely garden party at Pam Lack’s?

It was 2012 would you believe?

Did anyone have a socially distanced street party on Friday for VE day?

Hadden Close had a party with lots of bunting and everyone social distancing along the pavement with their cakes and their favourite tipple.  Tim had the old time music on and I had them all singing songs like ‘We’ll meet again’ of course!

Dear members.
Wednesday May 6th was a great milestone for our committee, we held our meeting Via Zoom, It was a great success apart from a couple of hiccups, we were very pleased with ourselves.

I am sure you must all be as disappointed as the committee are that our Centenary party has had to be cancelled, unfortunately the committee has also decided after much deliberation, to cancel the catering for the special garden party that was planned for August as it will be very hard to keep to social distancing.

As nobody can foresee when larger gatherings will be allowed, the meetings have been cancelled for June and July. Before September hopefully we will have more information on how we can go forward for the rest of the year.

I am delighted to inform you that we have received a letter of congratulations from the Queen on our Centenary, I was told via a phone call from Buckingham Palace that the Queen only send cards to people who are 100years old however we could have an anniversary letter from her, a lovely memory for us and something for the archives that some form of life continued during the Covid 19 virus.

Regards  Pam.

Hopefully we have all survived another month of lockdown, and Boris announced some lifting of the restrictions this weekend.  ‘Stay alert’ is the new buzz phrase not sure what that means! I have managed to keep upright and do a little light gardening and my back has not protested!  Still doing the exercises and going for daily walks, and I hope you are all keeping active too.

Update about Liz Bussey, after being hit by the van in January she was told no bones broken.  However the Doctors have finally reviewed her xrays as she was still complaining of a great deal of pain and surprise surprise the decision is that she has a cracked hip socket which is not healing properly and a hip replacement is recommended.  We wish her well and hope that finally she can be on the way to recovery.

I forgot to mention 2 birthdays last month
Joan Fountain and Ann Thompson
Belated birthday greetings to you.

Birthdays this month
 Liz Bussey, Christine Wise, Jean Gowing and Susie Hinsley.
Happy Birthday to you all.