New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Poringland's 100th Birthday.

Poringland WI 1920 - 2020

On May 13th Poringland WI celebrated its Centenary very differently to the plans the committee had been planning. Our local Radio station was contacted and gave us a nice mention. We also received a letter from the Queen; it appears the Queen does not send cards to organisations, only people, for special occasions. There was also a small keepsake of a special printed chocolate square.

Unfortunately the party with a cooked meal for all members and a Jazz band for the evening's entertainment had to be cancelled. Instead several members got together to make a toast to the WI going forward to the next hundred years via Zoom.

I wonder what new technology will be in place by then and how the WI will celebrate it. Thanks to the Norfolk WI News being sent vial email and many of our members contacting each other by phone, we have managed to keep in contact with our members while we have not been able to have official meetings. Congratulations to all other WIs who have anniversaries this year. Lets hope we can all be together soon but until then ‘Stay Safe’

Pam Cooper