New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Thursday, 20 April 2023

 Poringland WI Newsletter April 2023

Hello Everyone

This was our happy 10 pin gang in February.   In March we welcomed new member Gillian to our group.  We meet on a Friday morning twice per month for a jolly time, we don’t aspire to be great bowlers but enjoy a joke or three and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.  No experience necessary – ask Gillian!

Our Events

Birthday Dinner Wednesday 3 May at Debut Restaurant.  6pm arrival for 6.30 meal.  Drop off by Restaurant, car park straight through to rear.

Singalong Next session 10.30am on Thursday 13 April, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available.  No vocal ability necessary!

Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am Friday 14th & 28th April.

Craft group Next session 2.30pm on Monday 17 April at 74 Poringland Rd SHX (opposite the penguin/pylons) Parking in Joan’s or her neighbour’s drive for 4 or 5 cars.  Bring along your current project or we can find you something to make.

Next Walk of Tuesday 18 April.  Meet at the Bird in Hand Wreningham.  at 11am. Lunch 1 for 1.15pm.  Any members who would like to join for the walk or just for lunch, please let Lesley know for lunch numbers.

Hotter evening Wednesday 19 April 5.30pm at the Gentlemen’s walk shop.  Free parking in the Office carpark off Surrey street. Contact Zelia on 550388.

Scrabble session next one has been booked for Thursday 20 April at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Put the date in your diary, let Liz know on 558132.

Darts – we meet at the Oak on 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm.  Next will be on 25 April everyone is welcome to join us if only for a chat.  We have played and lost our first two matches against Surlingham & Thurlton.  

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 26 April 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Join us for a chat and a cuppa.

Happy Birthday for April to 

Joan Fountain 

Federation Events

Lots to choose from whatever your interests:

Women Walk the World in April.  In aid of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) supporting projects for women in need around the world.  Why not sponsor a walker on our April walk to help raise money towards ACWW.  

GLIDING DAY at Tibenham Airfield on Friday 19 May or 2 June (fall back day as flight is weather dependent).  Cost £60 includes the flight and a picnic lunch.  Family and friends welcome to come along to support and enjoy a picnic lunch for £10. This is so popular that a second date is offered Friday 21 July (back up 28th).

National AGM live streaming at New Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 25th May 10 – 4.30pm.  FREE Including a buffet lunch.  Lesley will be going with Joan (we are both delegates) and have space for 2 more in the car – first come first served!

Guided walk at TItchwell RSPB reserve.  Wednesday 7 June 9.45 – 1pm.  Moth morning (see the trap for what has been flying about) followed by walk £8 plus entry fee of £5 for non-members.

Federation Evening Garden Party at Peter Beales Roses Attleborough.  

Two evenings choose between Tues 13 or Thurs 15 June 2023. 6pm – 9pm.  Each evening includes buffet, glass of wine and tour of the rose gardens.  £25.  

Hand Embroidery with Shells.  Saturday 24 June, or Friday 30 June 10.30 to 3.30 at the office (coffee and welcome at 10).  £25 bring a packed lunch, coffee and cake provided.

Celebrate Our Seas.  At Sheringham Community Centre NR26 8NB.  Wednesday 5th July 10.30 – 3.30pm.  £25 including light lunch plus table quiz.  Enjoy a variety of talks: Sea Palling lifeboat, friends of Horsey seals, Vattenfall wind farms, ending with a presentation by Peter and Linda Lawrence.

3 events for the card sharps among you to choose from:

Canasta Day – Thursday 4 May 10.30 – 3.30 in the Office, cost £10, bring a packed lunch.  Spend a day with a friendly group to learn or refresh how to play Canasta using 2 packs of cards.

Progressive Whist competition Thursday 29 June 10 – 1pm.  £7.50

Bridge Taster day Wed 19 July 10 – 3.30pm £10. bring a packed lunch.

See Notice Board or contact Lesley for more details of all these events.



held on Wednesday 8 March 2023

In the chair Mrs Hilary Lark 

Apologies for absence received from:  Joan Fountain Joan Porter, Marietta Menzies, Jeannette Chapman, Carol Hurren, Jean Waters, Liz Bussey, Maureen Scott, Judith Finn, Pam Cooper, Anne Wilcox and Catherine Bigg.
Hilary welcomed Visitors Janet Gudgen and Sylvia Wine.
News of Members. Most of the apologies were from members who are unwell.

Birthday posies were presented

Minutes of January meeting were agreed and signed. 

Matters Arising.
Boards were circulated for members to sign up to a visit to Thurton, to Ditchingham, for FAM tickets and for a proposed outing to Hotter shoes on 19 April.

Norfok Magazines were labelled for distribution and members were asked to take one to deliver to absent friends if necessary. Federation What’s on notices were mentioned and members reminded to see Newsletter and board for more information.

April Meeting

John Henson will give his talk ‘Sex & Violence, Sweetness & Light’ about bee keeping. Thanks will be by: Nina Fairman 

Competition: a homemade greeting card  

 Invitations have been sent to Surlingham, Brooke and Rockland WIs

 Tea hostesses, Shirley Gray and Sue Cranmer

Tonight, as the speaker had double booked himself, members enjoyed a jigsaw race and a chat before refreshments were served.  No one completed their puzzle, but Hilary announced the winners with the most complete sections as being Ann Webster, Veronica Horsfall, Chris Wise and Lesley Sanders.

Nina invited members to her next Wednesday group meeting when they will be celebrating the 100th birthday of ex WI member Nell Harvey.

Lesley asked for hands up for those wishing to attend singing, scrabble and the next walk.

Competition for a flower from your garden was won by Sue Cranmer.

The meeting then closed at 9.40pm. 


Catholic Church Upgate NR14 7SH

Friday 14 April 10.30-5pm, Saturday 15th 10.30-4pm

Entrance £1 refreshments available.

Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre

Next month’s film is ‘LIVING’, on FRIDAY 21ST APRIL

Cert 12A Drama Stars Bill Nighy & Aimee Lou Wood

tickets £5 (includes tea or coffee) on the door

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm

Please wear a mask when moving around the centre.


The selected Resolution for this year’s AGM was not our top choice but will be:

Clean rivers for people and wildlife.  

Water quality in our river is shameful.  Legally, designated bathing waters must be regularly monitored for pollution.  The NFWI urges its members, the wider public, local authorities and Government to make, support and promote applications for official designated bathing sites on appropriate stretches of rivers in their area.  This will be instrumental to the clean up of rivers as it has been for water quality improvement at coastal beaches.

Walking Group Report. 

After a grey start to the day, we were pleasantly surprised that the sun came out for our walk this month.  As it had been wet for several days Richard and I re-routed the walk to avoid soggy field paths.  We first ordered our lunch in the pub, and then all set off along the road through the village towards Bergh Apton.  

At the first cross roads, Sue and I turned right, diverging from the main group to do a 4 mile circuit along lanes and bridleways, passing the Chet Vineyard before rejoining the main route at the Red Lion House.

Richard led the rest of the group along Lion lane for a 2 mile walk.  They had the excitement of seeing a large deer, while Sue and I counted the variety of wildflowers in bloom.  We all met up at the little thatched church of St Ethelbert which has the remains of wall paintings inside and a beautifully decorated Norman arch over the door. We then made our way down the hill to the George & Dragon to join more members for our well earned lunch.  We can recommend the venue for the food and the (dog) friendly atmosphere.