New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

 Poringland WI Newsletter May 2023

Hello Everyone

This was our entry for the Centenary Salver competition.  

We came 8th out of 15 overall, which we did not consider a bad result considering the standard of the entries this year.

Countries from around the world were depicted – from Australia to Brazil via Kenya and America.  There were several Welsh Dragons and some Scottish Tartan.

  A big thank you to everyone who helped with this entry in whatever way.

Our Forthcoming Events

Bowling sessions at Namco – 10am Friday 12 & 26 May.

Craft group Next session 2.30pm on Monday 15 May at 74 Poringland Rd SHX (opposite the penguin/pylons) Parking in Joan’s or her neighbour’s drive for 4 or 5 cars.  Bring along your current project or we can find you something to make.

Next Walk of Tuesday 16 May.  Meet in the field car park of Bergh Apton church.  at 11am. Lunch 1pm at Green Pastures Nursery. Members who would like to join for the walk and/or lunch, please let Lesley know for lunch numbers.

Darts – we meet at the Oak on 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm.  Next will be on 9 May.  Everyone is welcome to join us if only for a chat.    

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 31 May 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Join us for a chat and a cuppa.

Scrabble session next one has been booked for Thursday 8 June at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm.  Put the date in your diary, let Liz know on 558132.

Singalong Next session 10.30am on Thursday  TBA, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available.  No vocal ability necessary!

Happy Birthday for May to 

Liz, Jean G, Susie Hinsley, Rosemary & Christine Wise

Hotter evening Wednesday 19 April went well, thanks to Zelia for arranging this and congratulations to Susie for winning a pair of shoes.

Federation Events

Lots to choose from whatever your interests:

GLIDING DAY at Tibenham Airfield on Friday 19 May or 2 June (fall back day as flight is weather dependent).  Cost £60 includes the flight and a picnic lunch.  Family and friends welcome to come along to support and enjoy a picnic lunch for £10. This is so popular that a second date is offered Friday 21 July (back up 28th).

Federation Annual Meeting Tuesday 23 May at the Theatre Royal, tickets for those who are attending, will be distributed as soon as they arrive.  Morning Speaker from Trading Standards Stephen Maunder ‘Be scam smart’.  Afternoon Speaker Esme Young, judge from the Great British Sewing Bee.

National AGM live streaming at New Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 25th May 10 – 4.30pm.  FREE Including a buffet lunch.  Lesley will be going with Joan (we are both delegates) and have space for 2 more in the car – first come first served!

Guided walk at TItchwell RSPB reserve.  Wednesday 7 June 9.45 – 1pm.  Moth morning (see the trap for what has been flying about) followed by walk £8 plus entry fee of £5 for non-members.

Federation Evening Garden Party at Peter Beales Roses Attleborough.  

Two evenings choose between Tues 13 or Thurs 15 June 2023. 6pm – 9pm.  Each evening includes buffet, glass of wine and tour of the rose gardens.  £25.  10% Discount on any plants purchased.  

Hand Embroidery with Shells.  Saturday 24 June, or Friday 30 June 10.30 to 3.30 at the office (coffee and welcome at 10).  £25 bring a packed lunch, coffee and cake provided.

Celebrate Our Seas.  At Sheringham Community Centre NR26 8NB.  Wednesday 5th July 10.30 – 3.30pm.  £25 including light lunch plus table quiz.  Enjoy a variety of talks: Sea Palling lifeboat, friends of Horsey seals, Vattenfall wind farms, ending with a presentation by Peter and Linda Lawrence.

Progressive Whist competition Thursday 29 June 10 – 1pm.  £7.50

Bridge Taster day Wed 19 July 10 – 3.30pm £10. bring a packed lunch.

CRAFT DAY at New Buckenham on Friday 15 September 10am – 3.30pm £30 including light lunch of jacket potato followed by fruit crumble or fruit salad. Crafts include: Plastic canvas treasure box, rag rugging, Parchment craft, decorated candle and matching box, mini-envelope album/journal. 

See Notice Board or contact Lesley for more details of all these events.




In the Chair:  Mrs Hilary Lark, Vice-President.

Hilary welcomed Janet Gudgen as a new member and Sylvia Vines as a visitor.   

APOLOGIES:    Joan; Liz; Mary; Jean W: Jeanette;.

NEWS OF MEMBERS:  Mary was recovering from an operation; Liz and Jean were unwell.   

BIRTHDAY POSIES:   As Joan was away her birthday posy will be given to her on her return.

Hilary then welcomed John Henson who gave his talk entitled ‘Sweetness & Light, Sex & Violence, which he quickly explained referred to bees and honey!    He disproved myths relating to honey eg: honey is 80% sugar and not suitable for diabetics.   He also pointed out that bees only sting as a defence unlike wasps.  He was thanked by Nina.

Refreshments taken and then the Meeting continued.

MINUTES:  Approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

Dinner:   Members were reminded the Birthday Dinner was at Debut Restaurant on Wednesday 3rd May this replaces the 12 May Meeting.

AGM:  The National AGM is 25th May and will be ‘streamed’ at Old Buckenham Village Hall. As Joan and Lesley are delegates they will be going but have 2 spaces in the car if any Members are interested.

NOTICEBOARD AND EVENT INFORMATION:   All on noticeboard for members.

NEXT MEETING:  WILL be on 14th June and the speaker subject ‘Hear for Norfolk. VOT is Catherine Bigg and Competition A small floral arrangement in a teacup.   Tea ladies Sue France and Susie Hinsley.


Resolution:   The selected Resolution for this year’s AGM is for Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife.

We have to vote if we approve or not.    Members voted for this Resolution.

Vice-President: As Hilary is having an operation on 25th April and will not be able to attend meetings for 2 months, Rosemary will deal with financial matters.

Competition was won by Sue Cranmer and the raffle drawn.

Meeting closed 9.15pm.


Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre

This month’s film is ‘CHARADE’


Cert PG 1963 Classic Comedy/Thriller

Starring Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn

tickets £5 (includes tea or coffee) on the door

Doors open at 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm


Some Events we enjoyed in April.

We had a busy week from 17 April, Monday was our craft afternoon, when half a dozen of us sat in Joan’s pleasant sun room, and chatted over our various knitting and crochet projects.

On Tuesday 5 members enjoyed walks at Wreningham.  The 2 walks joined up at the church where we managed to gain entry, once we realised the door was stiff, not locked.  We were joined by 5 more members for lunch at the Bird in Hand.  The meals were fine, but the service was rather slow.

On Wednesday 12 members spent an evening at the Hotter shop in Norwich, where we heard about the company and enjoyed nibbles while watching a fashion show of the new season’s styles.  After having our feet measured, most of us were tempted to purchase shoes or sandals for the summer and were rewarded with a free gift of a small handbag.  To round off the evening there was a free draw for a voucher for another pair of shoes, which was won by Susie.

Finally, we held our scrabble day at the Feathers on the Thursday.  This is proving very popular and a record number attended with 16 making up 4 tables playing and  lunching together. Some of us even went to the gym after that!

Little Quiz of Johns and James – but what are their surnames?

1 US President assassinated 1963

2 Irish Flautist

3 Novelist creator of Smiley

4 Most famous English landscape artist

5 A champion English Jockey

6 Star of ‘Saturday Night Fever’

7 Pioneer of Television

8 Poet and lover of Victorian & Edwardian architecture.

9 Leader of 1953 Everest Expedition

10 Most famous of the Tarzans

11 18thC naval explorer killed in Hawaii

12 Author of ‘The Thirty Nine Steps’

13 Former Labour Prime Minister

14 Author of Peter Pan

15 Founder of Methodism

16 US actor famous for gangster roles

17 British singer/song writer shot in New York

18 US Film star famous for Westerns

19 British band leader/ jazz saxophonist

20 The 39th US President defeated by Ronald Reagan.