New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Monday, 15 January 2024

Poringland WI Newsletter January 2024

Wishing You All a 

Happy & Healthy New Year.

Our own Forthcoming Events  

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco. January sessions Friday 12 & 19th January @10am.  Car sharing can be arranged.

Next Walk:  Tuesday 16 January.  Meet behind the Community Centre   at 11am for a walk around the village.  Refreshments in the Centre Café at 1pm

Singalong session on Thursday 18 Jan 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!

Darts – meet at the Oak on Tuesdays at 2pm. Next date 23 January.

Scrabble session Friday 26 January at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. 

 Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon Monday 29 January at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  Please let Joan know if you would like to join us - 493036

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 31 January 2pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Happy Birthday for January to Mary and Linda 

and apologies for missing Marietta off last month’s greetings.

Poringland Community Cinema in the Community Centre



Cert 15 History/Drama - Stars Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt & Matt Damon



Cert 12A Drama/Whodunnit Stars Kenneth Branagh & Michelle Yeoh

Tickets £5 (on the door includes tea/coffee) Doors open 6.45pm, Film starts 7.30pm 

Buena Vista Social Club

At Poringland Community Centre Film nights on the first Friday 

For more information phone John on 01508 494358 Or Carol on 01508492630

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, enjoy a 2 course lunch for £12.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  See board for menus. 

Supper and Jigsaw Race @ Evelyn Suffield House Thursday 18 January 5.30pm – 9pm £13.50.  Simple hot meal and dessert followed by team game completing 500 piece jigsaw in the fastest time.  Single or team applications.

A Trip to the V&A to see Exhibition ‘Re: Imaging Musicals’ or do your own thing!  Thursday 1 February £28.  Coach pick up at Thickthorn P&R.

Bridge Day Wednesday 6 March 10am for 10.30start – 3.30pm.  £15 tea/coffee available, take a packed lunch.

To mark International Women’s Day a ‘Women’s Matters: Home and Abroad’ is planned at Mattishall Community Hall on Thursday 7 March 10.30 – 3.30pm.  Morning speaker is Norfolk Crime and Prevention Commissioner discussing ‘how and why’ to keep ourselves safe at home and out and about.  Afternoon is Casey Daudelin of ACWW changing landscape of Women’s affairs across the world and updating on ACWW initiatives.

Federation Annual Meeting. At the Theatre Royal on Monday 18 March.  Headline speaker will be Janet Street-Porter.  Delegates free, visitors £12

Preloved Handbag sale Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 April at Evelyn Suffield House 10.30 – 3.30pm.  Donations of no longer loved/second hand handbags can be dropped off at the office or handed to Lesley.

Edible Hanging Basket Workshop. New Buckingham Village Hall Tuesday 30 April 12 – 4.30pm.  Lunch will be ‘Build your own ploughman’s’! Dessert Apple crumble & Custard.  Cost £30 includes hanging basket kit - compost and plants.

National AGM 5 June 2024 at the Royal Albert Hall.  Attendance can be free by zoom or in person as an observer at a cost.  We will probably not need a delegate this year as we are fourth on the linking list.

Unfortunately the zoom pantomime has had to be cancelled due to technical issues!  Oh yes it has – ‘boo hoo’ said the elderly Prince ‘after I practised my lines too.’



In The Chair:   Mrs Joan Fountain, President.

The Meeting began with the singing of Jerusalem accompanied by our guest speakers playing the mandolin and cello.

The President then welcomed Members and our guests from nearby WIs to our Christmas Meeting.

BIRTHDAY POSIES:  were presented to Pam Cooper; Ann Webster; Gail; and as Marietta was not able to attend a member volunteered to take one to her.

MINUTES:  of October Meeting approved and signed.

Matters Arising:

A] Craft Fairs:  Thanks were given to all those who had helped in any way and to date, £200.00 had been raised.

MAGAZINE AND CORRESPONDENCE:  The magazine had been distributed and Federation ‘What’s on’ and future events were in the newsletter.

JANUARY MEETING:  will be on Thursday 11th January at 2pm.   Our speaker will be Peter Goodrum who will talk ‘The History of the Norfolk Broads’.    VOT Maureen Scott.  Members to bring an item of sea/navy memorabilia for a display.  Tea Hostesses – volunteers needed.


A] Death:  The President gave the sad news of the death of Nell Harvey at the age of 100 yrs.  Nell had been a member for many years but in later years was not able to attend meetings.

B] Teas:  The President then stated that due to family commitments Sue Cranmer was not olutions for the 2024 AGM to be discussed at January meeting:

able to continue to attend on Thursday afternoons and on behalf of all the members thanked Sue for seeing to our teas at the meetings.    If any members wishes to take on this job to let us know.  Veronica kindly volunteered to take on the role.

The competition was won by Mary Stancer and the runner-up Sue Cranmer.

The President then welcomed our guest speakers Penny Doe and Ted who proceeded to sing and play Christmas folk songs from 13th century to 18th century.  The members were surprised at the lyrics of some of these old songs which contained very intimidating verses. They finished with the members singing ‘Silent Night’ and ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’.  Penny and Ted, were thanked by Lesley.

Tombola tickets went well, and Members and guests then enjoyed a Christmas Buffet provided by our members and there was a good party atmosphere.   Daphne from Rockland, on behalf of the guests, thanked Poringland for a most enjoyable evening.  Joan closed the meeting by wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a safe journey home at 9.30pm.


It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving,

But like morning light, it scattered the night

And made the day worth living.  

F Scott Fitzgerald.