New Time for Monthly Meeting

All monthly meetings from January 2024 onwards will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm, at Poringland Community Centre.

Latest News

Next speaker - Michele Eager - Working with Wood - March 13th

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Poringland WI Newsletter February 2024


February events to look forward to:

10 Pin Bowling sessions Namco. January sessions Friday 16 Feb & 1 March @10am.  Car sharing can be arranged.

Next Walk:  Tuesday 20 February.  Meet at 11am at the Car Park next to the Adam and Eve pub off Bishopsgate Norwich.  Parking £3.50 for 2 hours – car share if you can.  We shall be walking the remaining sections of the old walls in ‘Norwich over the Water’ and back along the riverside paths.

Unfortunately as the pub is tiny, they do not take group bookings, so we propose to drive back to Trowse for lunch at the White Horse pub.  Please let me know if you would like to join us for lunch.

Singalong session on Thursday 15 February 10.30am, @ Pam Lack’s.  Hillcrest, Bungay road, lift available. No vocal ability necessary!

Darts – meet at the Oak on Tuesdays at 2pm. Next date 13 Feb.

Scrabble session Friday 29 February at the Feathers 11.30 – 3.30pm. 

 Please confirm attendance with Liz on 558132.

Craft Afternoon Monday ?? at Joan’s, 74 Poringland road Stoke HX.  Please let Joan know if you would like to join us - 493036

The next Tea/coffee pm is on Wednesday 28 Feb 2-4pm at the Octagon Barn on the Norwich Road.  Just turn up for a chat and a cuppa.

Happy Birthday for February to Sue Cranmer

Poringland Community Cinema in the Community Centre



Cert 12A Drama/Whodunnit Stars Kenneth Branagh & Michelle Yeoh

Tickets £5 (on the door includes tea/coffee) Doors open 6.45pm, Film 7.30pm 

We are very sorry to hear that John Henson is ill.

Future films and BV Nights are cancelled until further notice.


You are invited to join the Boudicca’s Way Group meeting at St Andrew’s church Scole on Thursday 18 April 7.30pm to hear Charley Haylock on History of surnames

Federation Events

LADIES THAT LUNCH on first Friday, enjoy a 2 course lunch for £12.  Single applicants only as spaces are limited.  See board for menus. 

To mark International Women’s Day a ‘Women’s Matters: Home and Abroad’ is planned at Mattishall Community Hall on Thursday 7 March 10.30 – 3.30pm.  Morning speaker is Norfolk Crime and Prevention Commissioner discussing ‘how and why’ to keep ourselves safe at home and out and about.  Afternoon is Casey Daudelin of ACWW changing landscape of Women’s affairs across the world and updating on ACWW initiatives.

Federation Annual Meeting. At the Theatre Royal on Monday 18 March.  Headline speaker will be Janet Street-Porter.  Delegates free, visitors £12

WI night at the Theatre Royal to see Calendar Girls musical Wed 3 May.

We will be sending round a board as soon as we know the details.

Preloved Handbag sale Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 April at Evelyn Suffield House 10.30 – 3.30pm.  Donations of no longer loved/second hand handbags can be dropped off at the office or handed to Lesley.

Resolutions information meeting Mon 15 April in the office 10.30 – 12.30

WI Advisors quiz night Friday 26 April at Bawdeswell Village Hall. Prompt 7pm start. Teams of up to 6, family and friends welcome.  £10 Per person, includes a ploughman’s supper.

Edible Hanging Basket Workshop. New Buckingham Village Hall Tuesday 30 April 12 – 4.30pm.  Lunch of ‘Build your own ploughman’s’! Dessert Apple crumble & Custard.  Cost £30 includes hanging basket kit - compost & plants.

Lunch with Giggly Pigs! sounds fascinating – a Bad Essex girl turned good, from prison to the pig farm.  Norfolk Cricket Club Horsford 12 – 4pm Mon 20 May £30 includes lunch of pasta bake – see flyer.

National AGM 5 June 2024 at the Royal Albert Hall.  Attendance can be free by zoom or in person as an observer at a cost.  We will probably not need a delegate this year as we are fourth on the linking list.

Back by popular demand:  Gliding Days are here again!  At Tibenham Airfield on Friday 10 May and Friday 30 August picnic lunch included.  Winch launch £65 or Aero Tow (goes up to 2000ft) £140.  Open to family and friends.


held on Thursday 11 January 2024

In the chair Mrs Joan Fountain

Apologies for absence were received from, Marietta Menzies, Bridget Durrant, Pam Cooper, Maureen Scott, Sue Cranmer, Jeannette Chapman.  Also Linda Daniels, Rosemary Wain and Catherine Biggs who resigned from the WI because of the change of meeting day.

Welcome Visitors Kirsty Long and Yvonne Payne-Bacon.

Members stood in silence for one minute in remembrance of ex member Elise Fletcher who had died recently at the age of 99 years, before singing Jerusalem.

A Birthday posy was presented to Mary Stancer and also a pretty plant as prize for gaining 25 points in the monthly competitions.

Minutes of Nov meeting were signed as correct, having been printed in the Newsletter.

There were no Matters Arising.

Nfk Magazines are labelled for distribution please take one to deliver to absent friends.
Federation What’s on are listed in Newsletter with details on the board.

The meeting broke for the speaker, Peter Goodrum, who gave a very interesting and amusing talk, illustrated with slides, on the History of the Norfolk Broads. He was thanked by Liz Bussey.  Refreshments were then taken, Mary Stancer volunteering to help Veronica Horsfall serve the drinks.  

The meeting resumed:

February is the Annual Meeting and Nominations are required for committee. 

Members were reminded to consider standing, as without a committee, the WI will cease.

There will be Social time and a short competition announced on the day.
Tea hostesses are Ann Webster and Gillian Braiden.

Voting took place on the Resolution to go forward to the AGM in June.  

With the result:

That number 1 – The shortage of Dentists gained 14 votes, and the other 3 proposals gained 2 votes each.

Lesley Sanders was the only entry for the Display of sea/navy memorabilia
The meeting closed at 3.50pm.